What is the word for postponing something?

Some common synonyms of postpone are defer, stay, and suspend. While all these words mean “to delay an action or proceeding,” postpone implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time.

What is postponing planting?

You can delay planting for up to two or three weeks if you are able to keep the roots from drying out. However, in cases where the delayed period is longer than a week, you should consider applying additional damp paper to bare-root tree roots to provide sufficient enough moisture for longer storage.

What are you proposing meaning?

propose Add to list Share. The verb propose means “to suggest a plan,” like the most well-known thing to propose: marriage. If you propose to your girlfriend, you propose getting married, and you probably give her a ring, too.

What does pone postpone mean?

C16: from Latin postpōnere to put after, neglect, from post- + ponere to place.

How do you ask to reschedule a meeting?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I must request that our meeting at on be rescheduled. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that we can find a suitable alternative. I suggest that we reschedule for . If that does not work for you, please let me know if a day between and fits your schedule.

Is postponing correct word?

verb (used with object), post·poned, post·pon·ing. to put off to a later time; defer: He has postponed his departure until tomorrow. to place after in order of importance or estimation; subordinate: to postpone private ambitions to the public welfare.

How do you use postponed?

[ + -ing verb ] We’ve had to postpone going to France because the children are ill. The negotiations have been postponed indefinitely. I was really angry when she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move house. There’s no point postponing the event just because the weather forecast is bad.

How do you use propose?

Using the verb “to propose”

  1. John proposed going to the debate.
  2. I proposed having lunch together.
  3. Who proposed eating at this restaurant?
  4. I propose that we buy a smaller car.
  5. I propose buying a smaller car.

What does proposal mean in meeting?

to suggest someone for a position or as a member of an organization: To be nominated as chairman, you need one person to propose you and another to second you. MEETINGS. to formally suggest an idea at a meeting, and ask people to vote on it: He proposed a motion that the chairman resign.

How do you use postpone?

  1. The negotiations have been postponed indefinitely.
  2. I was really angry when she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move house.
  3. There’s no point postponing the event just because the weather forecast is bad.
  4. We decided to postpone the party until my parents had returned from America.