What is the weather usually like in London in October?

October Weather in London United Kingdom. Daily high temperatures decrease by 7°F, from 63°F to 56°F, rarely falling below 50°F or exceeding 70°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 5°F, from 53°F to 47°F, rarely falling below 39°F or exceeding 59°F.

When was the hottest October in the UK?

1 October 2011
United Kingdom: Highest daily maximum temperature records

Month Temperature (°C) Date
September* 35.6 2 September 1906^
October 29.9 1 October 2011
November 22.4 1 November 2015
December 18.7 28 December 2019

What is the temperature in UK in October?

Across the UK, October temperatures average a daily high of 14 degrees Celsius (57 degrees Fahrenheit) and a low of 7 °C (44 °F).

Is it cold in October in London?

In October, London weather ranges from cold to dreary. Average temperatures range from the high 40s to the high 50s Fahrenheit, and you should expect light rain most days.

Is October a good month for London?

The best time to travel to London is during the mild weather of spring (March through April) and fall (Mid-September through November). Though there will be plenty of tourists, the city tends not to be quite as cramped as in the summer, when weather is ideal.

What is the highest temperature ever recorded in London England?

The highest temperature ever observed in London is 38.1 °C (100.6 °F) on 10 August 2003 and the lowest is −16.1 °C (3.0 °F) 1 January 1962. The lowest daily maximum temperature is −8.3 °C (17.1 °F) occurring on 3 occasions: 8 January 1841, 4 January 1867 and 12 January 1987.

Is it cold in London in October?

London Weather in October London’s average high temperatures top out at around 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) in the afternoon and fall to approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) at night.