What is the weather like in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria in April?
What is the weather like in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria in April?
Weather in April April, like March, is an agreeable spring month in Puerto Rico, Spain, with average temperature ranging between min 13°C (55.4°F) and max 20°C (68°F).
Is it warm in Gran Canaria in April?
The average high temperature in Gran Canaria during April is 23ºC, so you’ll be spending lots of time at the beach sunning yourself in your bathers. Temperatures averagely cool to 14ºC at night though so pack some warmer clothes for the evening.
Is it warm in Puerto Rico in April?
April Weather in San Juan Puerto Rico. Daily high temperatures are around 85°F, rarely falling below 81°F or exceeding 90°F. Daily low temperatures are around 74°F, rarely falling below 71°F or exceeding 77°F.
What’s the Weather like in Puerto Rico in May?
May Weather in San Juan Puerto Rico. Daily high temperatures are around 87°F, rarely falling below 83°F or exceeding 91°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 2°F, from 75°F to 77°F, rarely falling below 73°F or exceeding 79°F.
Is April a rainy month in Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico’s rainy season lasts from April to November and the driest season is December to March. Because of the island’s topography, rainfall varies greatly across the island, average ranges from 29.32 inches (745 mm) in Magueyes Island to 171.09 inches (4,346 mm) in Pico del Este averages of rainfall a year.
Is it rainy in Puerto Rico in April?
In April the weather in Puerto Rico is ideal to enjoy a wonderful beach vacation. Temperature highs reach 85°F and the water temperature of 79°F invites you to splash around all day. April is still ahead of the rainy season with 13 rainy days on average – from next month it will be wetter.
Where in Spain is hot in April?
Spain weather April You’ll have plenty of warm and sunny weather if you’re going somewhere like Benidorm or Marbella in April, and the same goes for the Balearic and Canary islands. Benidorm on the Mediterranean coast gives a good idea of the weather you can expect in Spain’s popular holiday destinations.