What is the voice pitch of a girl?

In general, women speak at a higher pitch—about an octave higher than men. An adult woman’s average range is from 165 to 255 Hz, while a man’s is 85 to 155 Hz (see sources).

What tone of voice is most attractive?

Recent studies found men prefer a higher-pitched voice in women, while women preferred a steady, lower-pitched voice in men. This gender preference is because a higher-pitched voice indicates a smaller body, while a lower-pitched voice indicates a larger body.

Do girls speak in a higher tone?

The biological gender differences in the human voice are very clear. Female voices have higher pitch and male voices have lower pitch. These differences are thought to be because of evolutionary pressures such as mating choices.

Is a deep voice on a girl attractive?

Fellas, if you think your deep voice will attract ladies, scientists say you’ve got it all wrong. In a new study, U.S. researchers say your deep-pitched voice makes you sound more dominant and intimidating to other men, but it does little to impress women – over the long-term.

Why do some girls have deep voices?

Before you reach puberty, your larynx is pretty small and your vocal cords are kind of small and thin. That’s why your voice is higher than an adult’s. As you go through puberty, the larynx gets bigger and the vocal cords lengthen and thicken, so your voice gets deeper.

Why do girls sound different?

Males and females have different vocal fold sizes, and the shorter vocal folds of women makes their pitch higher. Furthermore, some women simply have more naturally higher-pitched voices than others.

How do you describe a woman’s voice?

Women writers are often described as; “pleasant-voiced” or “softly-spoken.” Where they are not softly-spoken, they are usually; “surprisingly brisk/direct/outspoken”, implying that briskness, directness or outspokenness is unusual in a woman.