What is the use of Pongamia pinnata?

Pongamia pinnata has been applied as crude drug for the treatment of tumors, piles, skin diseases, and ulcers (Rout et al., 2009; Pavithra et al., 2010). The root is effective for treating gonorrhea, cleaning gums, teeth, and ulcers, and is used in vaginal and skin diseases (Muthu et al., 2006).

What is Pongamia oil used for?

It has been used as lamp oil, in leather tanning, in soap making, and as a lubricant for thousands of years. Its toxicity, as well as its color, bitter taste, and disagreeable odour, keep it from being used in cooking, but it does have uses in traditional medicine for treating skin disease and liver disease.

What are the uses of Karanja?

Karanja is a medicinal herb mainly used for skin disorders. All parts of Karanja tree (roots, flowers, leaves, bark) are used for medicinal purposes. Karanja is widely used in managing constipation as it helps to improve gut motility and has a laxative property.

How is Karanja oil extracted?

2.2. Extraction of oil from karanja seeds (100 g) was carried out for 36 h using petroleum ether (500 mL) at room temperature followed by evaporation of solvent. The oil (33 g) was subjected to liquid–liquid extraction with methanol in the ratio of 1:2 (v/v).

What is the Hindi name of Pongamia pinnata?

“Karanja” is the popular name of Millettia pinnata in Hindi while it is called “pongam” in tamil (Punitha et al., 2006).

What is the oil percentage of Pongamia pinnata?

Oil yield is one of the most important traits determining the commercial viability of Pongamia pinnata as an energy crop. The oil content of Pongamia seed is about 32–42 % (Kaushik et al.

Is Karanja oil good for hair?

Benefits of Karanja Oil for Skin and Hair Karanja oil is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal, making it a soothing ingredient in skincare and haircare. The reason karanja oil is beneficial for scalp care is thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal nature.

What is karanj called in English?

Millettia pinnata is a species of tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, native to eastern and tropical Asia, Australia, and Pacific islands. It is often known by the synonym Pongamia pinnata. Its common names include Indian beech and Pongame oiltree.

Is Karanja Oil Edible?

Karanja is an oil seed-bearing tree, which is non-edible and does not find any other suitable application due to its dark color and odour. Its seeds containing 30-40% oil and considered as alternative source for biodiesel (Thiruvengadaravi et al., 2012).