What is the use of HttpResponseMessage?

A HttpResponseMessage allows us to work with the HTTP protocol (for example, with the headers property) and unifies our return type. In simple words an HttpResponseMessage is a way of returning a message/data from your action.

What is the difference between IHttpActionResult and HttpResponseMessage?

IHttpActionResult contains a single method, ExecuteAsync, which asynchronously creates an HttpResponseMessage instance. If a controller action returns an IHttpActionResult, Web API calls the ExecuteAsync method to create an HttpResponseMessage. Then it converts the HttpResponseMessage into an HTTP response message.

How do I build HttpResponseMessage?

Article Flow

  1. Create a table in database and insert values.
  2. Create ASP.NET WebAPI Empty Project.
  3. Integrate Entity Framework.
  4. Create Controller with Logics.
  5. Processing HttpResponseMessage.

Do we need to dispose HttpResponseMessage?

The safest, general advice would be to always dispose of the HttpResponseMessage once you have finished with using it. This does lead to a little more code noise but ensures that regardless of the internals and any future changes, your code will free/clean up unused resources such as connections as quickly as possible.

What is difference between controller and API controller?

The main difference is: Web API is a service for any client, any devices, and MVC Controller only serve its client. The same because it is MVC platform.

What is the meaning of Web API?

Application Programming Interface
What is Web API? API stands for Application Programming Interface. A Web API is an application programming interface for the Web. A Browser API can extend the functionality of a web browser. A Server API can extend the functionality of a web server.

What is FromUri in Web API?

The [FromUri] attribute is prefixed to the parameter to specify that the value should be read from the URI of the request, and the [FromBody] attribute is used to specify that the value should be read from the body of the request.

How do I convert IHttpActionResult to HttpResponseMessage?

A New Way to Send Response Using IHttpActionResult

  1. var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode. Unauthorized);
  2. var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource();
  3. tsc. SetResult(response);
  4. return tsc. Task;

What is EnsureSuccessStatusCode?

The idiomatic usage of EnsureSuccessStatusCode is to concisely verify success of a request, when you don’t want to handle failure cases in any specific way. This is especially useful when you want to quickly prototype a client.

What is difference between MVC and API?

The Web API returns the data in various formats, such as JSON, XML and other format based on the accept header of the request. But the MVC returns the data in the JSON format by using JSONResult. The Web API supports content negotiation, self hosting. All these are not supported by the MVC.

What is MVC in API?

MVC (or Model-View-Controller) is an architectural pattern on which to build software. The basic idea in it is to separate internal data models from the user interface via the controller and view.