What is the use of Dbsnmp user in Oracle?
What is the use of Dbsnmp user in Oracle?
Answer: The DBSNMP user is used by the OEM intelligent agent to logon automatically to remote servers, to provide information for Oracle Enterprise Manager. The dnsmp user must have the select any dictionary system privilege which allows the dbsnmp user to read the passwords from sys.
What is sysman user?
The SYSMAN account is the default super user account used to set up and administer Enterprise Manager. It is also the database account that owns the objects stored in the Oracle Management Repository.
What is the use of system user in Oracle?
The SYS user is granted the SYSDBA privilege, which enables a user to perform high-level administrative tasks such as backup and recovery. This account can perform all administrative functions except the following: Backup and recovery. Database upgrade.
What is Dbsnmp default password?
Description. ORACLE creates a default account with the user ID “DBSNMP” and password “ORACLE”.
Who is a SYS user?
system user means a person granted access to the Services and Accounts by a System Manager or Bank at the request of a System Manager.
What is the difference between SYS and system user in Oracle?
SYS is a predefined user with SYSDBA, and SYSTEM is a predefined user with DBA.
What is XS null user in Oracle?
(XS$NULL is an internal account that represents the absence of a user in a session. Because XS$NULL is not a user, this account can only be accessed by the Oracle Database instance. XS$NULL has no privileges and no one can authenticate as XS$NULL, nor can authentication credentials ever be assigned to XS$NULL.)
What is Ctxsys user in Oracle?
While any user can create an Oracle Text index and enter a CONTAINS query, Oracle Text provides the CTXSYS user for administration and the CTXAPP role for application developers. This section contains the following sections: CTXSYS User. CTXAPP Role. Granting Roles and Privileges to Users.
What is the default password for Dbsnmp in 11g?
ORACLE creates a default account with the user ID “DBSNMP” and password “ORACLE”.