What is the USDA recommended temperature for pork?

145 °F
Safe Minimum Internal Temperature Chart

Product Minimum Internal Temperature & Rest Time
Beef, Pork, Veal & Lamb Steaks, chops, roasts 145 °F (62.8 °C) and allow to rest for at least 3 minutes
Ground Meats 160 °F (71.1 °C)
Ground Poultry 165 °F

Is 145 safe for pork?

The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has determined that it is just as safe to cook pork to 145°F with a 3-minute rest time as it is to cook it to 160°F with no rest time, the agency said.

Is pork done at 190?

Pulling the Pork Once the meat reaches an internal temperature of 180 F to 190 F, it is ready to be pulled. You can serve the meat once it reaches 165 F, but it won’t be tender enough to pull apart properly.

Is 140 safe for pork?

What is this? The National Pork Board’s recommendations for cooking whole muscle cuts like pork chops, pork roasts, or tenderloin is an internal temperature of 145° F, followed by a three-minute rest. Ground pork should always be cooked to 160° F.

Is pork done at 160?

To check doneness properly, use a digital cooking thermometer. Fresh cut muscle meats such as pork chops, pork roasts, pork loin, and tenderloin should measure 145° F, ensuring the maximum amount of flavor. Ground pork should always be cooked to 160° F.

Is pork safe at 130?

Bernie Laskowski, executive chef of Park Grill: “Good quality pork can and should be handled like beef. I prefer 130 to 140 (degrees) for loin cuts of pork.” Jason McLeod, formerly of RIA, now of Box Tree in San Diego: “Most chefs have been cooking to a lower temperature for many years.

Is pork safe at 160?

The USDA recommends that pork be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. The federal agency says it is lowering the recommended safe cooking temperature for whole cuts of pork from 160 degrees to 145 degrees and adding a 3-minute rest time.

Can I pull pork at 195?

195 degrees is an acceptable temperature for pulled pork. That said, we would recommend waiting until the thermometer reads 202 degrees. The extra time will make your shredding duties go much more smoothly, and the meat will retain its moisture and rich texture.

Can I pull pork at 185?

Keep a close eye on internal temperature of the butt A minimum temperature of 185 degrees must be achieved for sliced pork and over 190 degrees if you want to pull the pork.

Is pork 130 degrees safe?

Can I eat pork at 165?

Cooking Whole Cuts of Pork: USDA has lowered the recommended safe cooking temperature for whole cuts of pork from 160 ºF to 145 ºF with the addition of a three-minute rest time.