What is the true meaning of Ultimate?

Definition of ultimate (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : last in a progression or series : final their ultimate destination was Paris. b : eventual sense 2 they hoped for ultimate success. c : the best or most extreme of its kind : utmost the ultimate sacrifice. d : most remote in space or time : farthest.

What are ultimate things?

1 conclusive in a series or process; last; final. an ultimate question. 2 the highest or most significant. the ultimate goal. 3 elemental, fundamental, basic, or essential.

What are examples of Ultimate?

An example of the ultimate is something that is the pinnacle of success. The definition of ultimate is something that is the best of its kind. An example of something that would be described as ultimate is the end goal you set at the start of college of eventually going to business school.

How do you use the word Ultimate?

Ultimate sentence example

  1. The only ultimate cause is God.
  2. Taking two prizes is a challenge but the ultimate reward will be worth the aggravation!
  3. His ultimate test was one that could destroy him, and she was failing miserably.
  4. Paris, the ultimate goal, is reached.
  5. It’s a sign of the ultimate respect.

What is the synonym of Ultimate?

Some common synonyms of ultimate are final, last, and terminal. While all these words mean “following all others (as in time, order, or importance),” ultimate implies the last degree or stage of a long process beyond which further progress or change is impossible.

What is the meaning of ultimate love?

Remember Ultimate Love is not a destination, it’s a place where you and your partner are continuously growing and bringing the best out of each other. Let us know what Ultimate Love means to you using #UltimateLoveNG on our Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram.

What is an ultimate goal?

Setting an ultimate goal can be do for almost any aspect of your life, financial, career, fame, but not for your health or relationships. The reason for this is that the Ultimate Goal is a goal your set for yourself and decide; “When I have accomplished this, I am done.”

How do you get your ultimate self?

How to become your best self

  1. Think bigger. Great minds think very big.
  2. Motivate yourself. You will realize that motivation has a great influence on you.
  3. Believe in yourself.
  4. Set goals for yourself.
  5. Spend your time wisely.
  6. Take up new challenges.
  7. Let go of past failures.
  8. Take time to discover your strengths.

What means ultimate goal?

the ultimate goal the objective; the final destination; the ultimate goal.

What type of word is ultimate?

Ultimate can be a noun or an adjective – Word Type.

What is the ultimate goal of a good life?

In a general sense, the ultimate goal of existence is happiness; we seek to live well and to live a life filled with happiness. However, in order to achieve this central purpose of human life, happiness depends on the cultivation of virtue.

What is another word for ultimate goal?

What is another word for ultimate goal?

end goal objective
final destination ultimate destination