What is the treatment of pterygium?
What is the treatment of pterygium?
Surgery – is the only treatment that can remove a pterygium. Your optometrist or doctor may refer you to an eye surgeon. It is preferable to remove the pterygium before it grows across the cornea. Otherwise, it may scar the cornea and cause permanent vision problems.
What causes eye pterygium?
Pinguecula and pterygium are both caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and made worse by chronic dryness or irritation.
Is pterygium cancerous?
Importantly, pterygia are not cancerous – they are benign growths. That means that while they may grow locally (and possibly affect your sight), they won’t spread to other parts of your body.
How can you tell the difference between pterygium and Pseudopterygium?
A true pterygium has edges that can be elevated with forceps or under which a probe can be passed A true pterygium aries from a pinguecula. A pseudopterygium arises from destruction of the marginal, corneal epithelium through trauma, e.g. caustics, burns or inflammation.
How do you stop a pterygium from growing?
- Use sunglasses that block out UV light (close-fitting, wrap around styles are best)
- Wear sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim when outdoors.
- Avoid exposure to environmental irritants, eg: smoke, dust, wind, and chemical pollutants.
- Use appropriate eye safety equipment in work environments.
How can I reduce pterygium naturally?
Home Remedies for Pterygium
- Keep a cotton swab soaked in rose water over the eyes for 10 – 15 minutes a day, it can relieve symptoms like strain and pain in the eyes.
- Pure honey 1 drop in both eyes in the morning is a good pterygium eye treatment.
- Put rosewater inside the eyes for the redness to curb the excess heat.
Can you go blind from pterygium?
Pterygium can block or blur your vision if it continues to grow across your cornea. Sometimes pterygium can scar your cornea, but this is rare. The scarring can be treated if it’s minor. If the scarring is major, damage to your corneal can cause blindness.
Can eye drops remove pterygium?
Treating a pterygium can be done without surgical removal. Smaller growths are usually treated with artificial tears to lubricate the eyes or mild steroid eye drops that counteract redness and swelling.
How serious is pterygium?
How serious is it? A pterygium can lead to severe scarring on your cornea, but this is rare. Scarring on the cornea needs to be treated because it can cause vision loss. For minor cases, treatment usually involves eye drops or ointment to treat inflammation.
What causes pseudopterygium?
Pseudopterygium may result from a peripheral corneal ulcer and ocular surface inflammation such as cicatrizing conjunctivitis, chemical burns, or may also occur secondary to chronic mechanical irritation from contact lens movement associated with inadequate lubrication of the corneal surface.
Does pterygium go away on its own?
It won’t go away on its own. A small pterygium may never cause problems for the eye as long as it stops growing. In most cases, the only way to completely remove a pterygium is with surgery.