What is the treatment for HSIL?
What is the treatment for HSIL?
HSIL (CIN2/3) Colposcopy). Ablative methods such as CO2 laser ablation are effective but infrequently used in modern practice. Excisional methods such a large loop excision of the TZ (LLETZ), loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) or cold-knife cone biopsy are preferred.
Can you have laser treatment for cervical cancer?
Laser surgery, sometimes called laser ablation, is a treatment that may be used to address cervical cancer. Most often performed for women with early stages of cervical cancer, laser surgery involves using a focused laser beam to create heat.
How fast does HSIL turn cancerous?
HSIL doesn’t always progress into cancer, but it is capable of it. In some cases, it might take as long as 10 years or more; in other cases, it could happen much more quickly. But with proper diagnosis and management, HSIL does not have to develop into cancer at all.
How long does cervical laser treatment take?
The laser beam will then be focused through your vagina — usually through a long, thin tube — to burn off abnormal or cancerous cells. You might smell some burning, but that’s just the laser working. Laser surgery for cervical cancer takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Should I be worried about HSIL?
HSIL is a squamous cell abnormality associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). Though not all HSIL will progress to cancer, HSIL is considered to be a precancerous lesion and therefore is usually treated aggressively.
Can HSIL go away?
Because LSIL (including warts) is benign, and usually regresses on its own, it may be unnecessary to treat. However, many patients and clinicians prefer to remove warts rather than waiting for them to go away on their own.
Will removing the cervix cure HPV?
Surgically treating genital warts doesn’t cure a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, however, and warts can return after surgery if the immune system does not eliminate the infection. Surgery may be used to treat moderate to severe cervical dysplasia by removing abnormal cells on the cervix.
Does HSIL mean HPV?
High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (HSIL) means that there are moderately or severely abnormal cervical cells that could become cancer in the future if not treated. Your health care provider will likely ask you to come back for a colposcopy.
What does Stage 3 precancerous cells mean?
CIN 3 is not cancer, but may become cancer and spread to nearby normal tissue if not treated. Treatment for CIN 3 may include cryotherapy, laser therapy, loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP), or cone biopsy to remove or destroy the abnormal tissue. CIN 3 is sometimes called high-grade or severe dysplasia.
Can HSIL be misdiagnosed?
Conditions that can be mistaken for HSIL on biopsy include early invasive carcinoma, atrophy, squamous metaplasia, transitional metaplasia and reactive atypia.