What is the top 1 Legendary Pokémon?

1. Arceus. Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon. This Normal type Mythical Pokémon is the creator of the universe and thus the closest that the Pokémon world has to a god.

What are the top 6 strongest Pokemon?

Top 10 Strongest, Most Powerful Pokémon of All Time

  • Lunala and Solgaleo.
  • Ultra Necrozma.
  • Mega Mewtwo X and Y.
  • Kyogre and Groudon.
  • Rayquaza.
  • Giratina.
  • Dialga and Palkia.
  • Arceus.

What are the 3 main Legendary Pokémon?

Generation VI These Pokémon originally appeared in the Kalos region. Three Legendary Pokémon have appeared to date: Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde.

What are the 4 legendary Pokemons?

The Legendary creators of the Pokémon universe, the creation trio consists of Dialga of time, Palkia of space, and Giratina of antimatter. Like the super-ancient Pokémon before them, they each serve as the mascots of Sinnoh’s trio of games, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Who is the strongest legendary?

Pokemon: The 18 Strongest Legendary Pokemon, Ranked According To Their Stats

  1. 1 Arceus (720)
  2. 2 Zamazenta (720)
  3. 3 Zacian (720)
  4. 4 Zygarde (708)
  5. 5 Kyurem (700)
  6. 6 Eternatus (690)
  7. 7 Rayquaza (680)
  8. 8 Mewtwo (680)

Who is the 4th strongest Pokémon?

15 Strongest Pokemon In Generation IV (Based On Stats)

  1. 1 Arceus. As the closest thing to a creator god in the Pokemon universe, it’s no surprise that Arceus has a ridiculous base stat total.
  2. 2 Dialga, Palkia, And Giratina.
  3. 3 Regigigas.
  4. 4 Heatran And Cresselia.
  5. 5 Garchomp.
  6. 6 Mythicals.
  7. 7 Lake Guardians.
  8. 8 Togekiss.

Which Pokémon is god?

Legendary Pokémon Arceus Is Considered A God In The Pokémon World.

Is arceus legendary?

Arceus first appeared in the Generation IV games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl being a Legendary Pokémon.

What is the top 5 strongest Pokemon?

Who is the 4th strongest Pokemon?