What is the TMOG?

Transmog – short for ‘transmogrification’, and also known as ‘tmog’ by the community – is a term used in online games such as MMOs to change the appearance of an armour piece to another.

How do you look up a trademark name?

To search the USPTO’s trademark database, go to TESS and choose a search option. If you are searching for a name, you can use the trademark name search. If you are searching a design mark, such as a logo, you will first need to look up your design code using the USPTO’s Design Search Code Manual.

What is the purpose of publication of a trademark in the Official Gazette?

A Notice of Publication in a trademark application is good news for the applicant. It means that the trademark application has received preliminary approval by the USPTO trademark examining attorney, i.e., the trademark examiner.

How do I check trademark availability for free?

You may conduct a free online search of the USPTO database at the Public Search Facility (Madison East, 1st Floor; 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia) between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. USPTO personnel may not conduct trademark searches for the public. Private trademark search firms will conduct searches for a fee.

How do I check if a name is copyrighted?

Use the USPTO’s free trademark database. You can search for federally registered trademarks by using the free trademark database on the USPTO’s website. To start, go to the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Business Center and choose “Search trademarks.” Then follow the instructions you see on the screen.

How do I know if my trademark is registered?

It is fairly easy to check your trademark registration on the USPTO website, at http://tsdr.uspto.gov/. Enter your trademark serial or reference number on the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TDSR) page to receive the status of your pending and registered trademarks.

What happens when your trademark is approved?

After your trademark is approved for publication, your trademark is published in our weekly online Trademark Official Gazette. Your trademark hasn’t yet registered. Publication begins a 30-day period during which any member of the public who thinks they’ll be harmed by the registration of your trademark may oppose it.