What is the timeline for discovering atoms?

Introduction of the Atom The atom was first discovered by Democritus 442BC. He said that the atoms ar indivisible and indestructible. Democritus was the first to suggest that the atom existed but John Dalton was the first chemist to really observe and break down what the atom was in 1803.

Who were the 5 scientists who contributed to the atomic theory?


  • John Dalton.
  • Michael Faraday.
  • J. J. Thomson.
  • Robert Millikan.
  • Ernest Rutherford.
  • Who were the scientists that developed the atomic theory?

    John Dalton (1766-1844) is the scientist credited for proposing the atomic theory.

    Did Lavoisier develop an atomic theory?

    Antoine Lavoisier’s atomic theory model was grounded in the law of conservation of mass explaining matter was conserved during chemical changes. His experiments also shaped the idea that matter was composed of chemical compounds. Previously, scientists thought the elements were water, earth, air, and fire.

    Who were 3 of the main scientists that contributed to the atomic theory?

    Terms in this set (12)

    • Democritus. first proposed the idea that all matter was made up of tiny indivisible particles called atomos.
    • Antoine Lavoisier.
    • Joseph Proust.
    • John Dalton.
    • J.J. Thompson.
    • Robert Millikan.
    • The Curies (Marie and Peirre)
    • Ernest Rutherford.

    What did Antoine Lavoisier contribution to the atomic theory?

    A later breakthrough in the discovery of the atomic model came through the work of French chemist Antoine Lavoisier who through a series of experiments found that the total mass of products and reactants in a chemical reactions is always the same. This led to the theory of the law of conservation of mass.

    What did Lavoisier contribute to the atom?

    Antoine Lavoisier determined that oxygen was a key substance in combustion, and he gave the element its name. He developed the modern system of naming chemical substances and has been called the “father of modern chemistry” for his emphasis on careful experimentation.

    Who developed the latest model of the atom which is accepted until today?

    The model proposed by Niels Bohr is the one that you will see in a lot of introductory science texts.

    How did Lavoisier contribute to the atomic theory?

    He used the Combustion theory as the starting point for this idea, which would eventually lead to the development of the atomic theory. In time, this would also lead Lavoisier to finally propose the Law of Conservation, which would eventually become the foundation of modern chemistry.

    What did Antoine Lavoisier discover about combustion?

    Lavoisier proposed that combustion was a reaction of a metal or organic substance with common air and that most acids contained this air. He would call this breathable air “oxygen,” which is admittedly a lot easier to say than depholgisticated air. Lavoisier’s work would also bring chemistry back to a stricter method of conduct.

    How long did the atomic theory last?

    This theory would hold prominence for the next 2,000 years. The modern Atomic theory first starting developing when the Phlogiston theory was offered by Johann Becher and Georg Stahl. When something was burned, they posited, then it lost “phlogiston” to the air.

    What happened to Lavoisier during the reign of Terror?

    In November of that year, the arrest of all former tax gatherers was ordered, which included Lavoisier. He was branded a traitor, accused of selling unauthorized tobacco, and condemned during the 1794 Reign of Terror because of his efforts to stop the freedom and economic stripping of all foreign-born scientists in France.