What is the temperature of Maharashtra in June?
What is the temperature of Maharashtra in June?
June falls in the rainy season with an average precipitation of 175mm (6.9in). It rains on average a total of 9 days. The average maximum daytime temperature lies around 32.0°C (89.6°F). The sun will occasionally show itself with 182 hours of sunshine during the whole month.
Which is the hottest month in Maharashtra?
The warmest temperatures in Maharashtra are in May, when the water is 29 °C. Warm air can absorb more moisture than cold air.
Which month is rainy season in Maharashtra?
Maharashtra in Monsoon (June-September)
Is the hot month in the year in Maharashtra?
Summer: March, April and May are the hottest months. During April and May thunderstorms are common all over the state. Temperature varies between 22°C-39°C during this season.
Will it rain in June in Mumbai?
Mumbai gets rains from June to September, and travelling to Mumbai during this time might be a bad idea. Delhi, the most pleasant time to visit is November to mid-February. June is uncomfortably hot with very high temperatures.
What is the hottest month in Mumbai?
Winter (October to February) winter temperature 15 to 20°C Peak Winter Months – Dec to Mid Feb with temperature range 12–19 °C; 2. Summer (March to May) Avg temperature 30 to 27 °C; Peak Summer Months (Mid March to 1 June week), temperature shoots up to 30–40 °C with humidity being approx 70–80%. 3.
How is summer in Maharashtra?
Summer season in Maharashtra is hot, yet this spot remains crowded with ardent roamers. Beginning from the month of March and extending till May, the temperature here hovers between 22°C-39°C. Along with the scorching heat of the sun, the state also experiences frequent thunderstorms.
What type of climate is in Maharashtra?
tropical monsoons
The climate of Maharashtra is tropical monsoons as it receives a heavy rainfall during the monsoon season with the summers being hot and winters being chilly. There are four meteorological subdivisions, viz. Konkan, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada and Vidarbha in the state.
Which is the hottest month in Pune?
The warmest month in Pune is between 20 April and 20 May; although summer doesn’t end until May, the city often receives heavy dusty winds in May (and humidity remains high). Even during the hottest months, the nights are usually cool due to Pune’s high altitude.
How hot is Mumbai in June?
In Mumbai, in June, the average high-temperature is 32.1°C (89.8°F), and the average low-temperature is 26°C (78.8°F). In June, the average heat index (a.k.a. ‘real feel’, ‘felt air temperature’), which factors the actual air temperature with the relative humidity, is calculated to be 44.7°C (112.5°F).