What is the taxonomy of viruses?

Virus taxonomy is a virology subspecialty that addresses the grouping (classification) of viruses (physical entities) into categories (concepts) called taxa and the development and implementation of a standardized system of naming (nomenclature) for taxa.

What is ICTV database?

The ICTV web site (http://ictv.global) provides access to the current taxonomy database in online and downloadable formats, and maintains a complete history of virus taxa back to the first release in 1971. The ICTV has also published the ICTV Report on Virus Taxonomy starting in 1971.

Who gave classification of virus?

The Baltimore classification is the most commonly used for studying the system of virus classification. This system was developed by an American biologist David Baltimore in the 1970s, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

What is virus nomenclature?

VIROLOGY (nomenclature) The name of the order always ends in the suffix –virales and is written in italics and the first letter is capitalized. The name of the family always ends in the suffix –viridae and is written in italics and the first letter is capitalized.

What is ICTV classification system?

The ICTV has developed a universal taxonomic scheme for viruses, and thus has the means to appropriately describe, name, and classify every virus that affects living organisms. The members of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses are considered expert virologists.

What is the taxonomy of coronavirus?

Taxonomically, the main Coronaviridae subfamily – Orthocoronavirinae – is subdivided into alpha (formerly referred to as type 1 or phylogroup 1), beta (formerly referred to as type 2 or phylogroup 2), delta, and gamma coronavirus genera.

What is ICTV How are viruses named?

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) authorizes and organizes the taxonomic classification of and the nomenclatures for viruses.

What is ICTV and its role in virus classification?

Why is virus taxonomy important?

Virus taxonomy is important because it allows the clinical, biological and evolutionary features of a virus to be placed into a framework that accommodates and connects all viruses.

What are the 7 different groups of viruses according to their nucleic acid type?


  • Group I: double-stranded DNA viruses.
  • Group II: single-stranded DNA viruses.
  • Group III: double-stranded RNA viruses.
  • Group IV: positive sense single-stranded RNA viruses.
  • Group V: negative sense single-stranded RNA viruses.
  • Group VI: single-stranded RNA viruses with a DNA intermediate.

What is the main role of ICTV?

The Statutes, available from this link define the objectives of ICTV: (i) to develop an internationally agreed taxonomy for viruses (the term “viruses” for this purpose is taken to include viroids and some important groups of satellite viruses); (ii) to develop internationally agreed names for these taxa; (iii) to …