What is the taxonomy code for mental health counselor?

Taxonomy Code 101YM0800X: Mental Health Counselor.

How do I find my individual taxonomy code?

To find the taxonomy code that most closely describes your provider type, classification, or specialization, use the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) code set list. Note: You may select more than one code or code description when applying for an NPI, but you must indicate one of them as the primary code..

What is mental health taxonomy?

Taxonomies for mental health treatment providers and facilities used to identify claims for mental health care. This variable is derived in the TAF using Taxonomy codes for MH: Codes Classification and area of specialization. (a) Individual or Groups of Individuals.

What is taxonomy code 193200000X?

Taxonomy Code 193200000X: Multi-Specialty Group.

What is taxonomy code 1041C0700X?

What is the taxonomy code for clinical social workers, which is required to get an NPI? The taxonomy code is 1041C0700X.

What is taxonomy code 101YA0400X?

Details. 101YA0400X. Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) [Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers\Counselor] Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) [Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers\Counselor] NUCC Provider Codes.

Is taxonomy code same as NPI?

An NPI identifies the provider to receive payment. Though both are unique codes, taxonomy codes are identifiers that describe the specialty field the provider is working and submitting claims for.

How do you find the taxonomy for a an NPI?

Finding your taxonomy code

  1. Visit the NPPES NPI Registry.
  2. Enter your NPI Number into the field.
  3. Click Search.

What is Lcsw taxonomy?

4. What is the taxonomy code for clinical social workers, which is required to get an NPI? The taxonomy code is 1041C0700X.

What is taxonomy code 363LF0000X?

Taxonomy Code 363LF0000X: Nurse Practitioner (Family)

What is taxonomy code 207Q00000X?

Specificity of service or occupation is increased at this level. For example, Family Medicine (207Q00000X) is a code falling under the Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians category.

What is the taxonomy code 390200000X?

A non-licensed physician or dentist selects a taxonomy code of 390200000X- Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program.