What is the synonym of scatter?

Some common synonyms of scatter are dispel, disperse, and dissipate. While all these words mean “to cause to separate or break up,” scatter implies a force that drives parts or units irregularly in many directions.

What is the synonym of variegated?

dappled. (also dapple), marbled, mottled, parti-color.

What is another name for the color GREY?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for gray, like: dusky, silvery, grey, color, gy, colorless, decrepit, asa gray, shade, old and greyish.

What is a meaning of scattered?

1 : to separate and go in various directions : disperse. 2 : to occur or fall irregularly or at random. scatter. noun.

What is the opposite scattered?

Scatter means ‘disperse’ the opposite being gather meaning ‘to meet at one point’.

What is variegated plant?

Variegation is a term that is used rather loosely in the plant world. When it comes down to it, any plant displaying multiple colors can be called variegated. The word Variegated comes from the latin word variegatus, which means “made of various sorts or colors.”

What is an antonym for variegated?

Opposite of having specks or spots. unspotted. plain. unflecked.

What is another name for dark grey?

What is another word for dark grey?

smoky grayUS
greyUK black
dark grimy
sooty begrimed
caliginous slate-grey

What is another name for pale grey?

What is another word for grey?

grayishUS ash
white snowy
steel-coloured light
silvern argentate
sterling pale

What is a antonym for naturalize?

Antonyms. disapproval natural affectedness unnatural pretentiousness sophistication unlikeness.