What is the synonym of relishing?

love, rejoice (in), revel (in), savor. (also savour)

What is a word for can’t wait?

“That sounds so good. Can’t wait!”…What is another word for can’t wait?

anticipate eagerly anticipate
spiritedly await hungrily await
cannot wait pine for
desire hanker after
long for hungrily anticipate

How do you use the word relishing?

Relishing sentence example

  1. He found himself hating the feeling instead of relishing it, like he thought he would if their roles were ever reversed.
  2. He dug his dirty hands into the depths of the folded cloak, relishing the feel of it, then hugged it.

What does it mean to relish the moment?

1 to savour or enjoy (an experience) to the full. 2 to anticipate eagerly; look forward to.

Can you relish in something?

If you relish something, you get a lot of enjoyment from it.

What’s another word for waiting impatiently?

1 uneasy, unquiet. 1, 2 irritable, testy, fretful, violent, hot; curt, brusque, abrupt. 3 hasty, impetuous, precipitate, sudden.

What does impatiently waiting mean?

adj. 1. Unable to wait patiently or tolerate delay; restless. 2. Unable to endure irritation or opposition; intolerant: impatient of criticism.

Is relishing an adjective?

Examples of relishing Some of these examples may show the adjective use. The 1860s famously saw a new fascination with rascals relishing their own rascality. Many people have been girding their loins for years almost relishing the battle ahead.

Is relish the opportunity?

She obviously relishes the opportunity of campaigning against her old rival….relish ​Definitions and Synonyms.

present tense
present participle relishing
past tense relished
past participle relished