What is the synonym of overshadow?

verbbecome foggy or obscured. adumbrate. becloud. befog. blur.

What’s the definition of overshadowing?

1 : to cast a shadow over. 2 : to exceed in importance : outweigh. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About overshadow.

What is the synonym of impassive?

synonyms for impassive emotionless. matter-of-fact. placid. reticent. serene.

What is an example of overshadow?

Overshadow Sentence Examples Pinot Noir – Although strong flavors can sometimes overshadow this lighter-bodied red wine, it is a great choice for its versatility. Individuals with Aspergers tend to have specific interests that overshadow other aspects of their lives.

What is the opposite of overshadow?

Opposite of to make dark, dim, or indistinct (by casting a shadow over) brighten. illuminate. illumine. lighten.

What is the synonym of enmity?

Some common synonyms of enmity are animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, and rancor. While all these words mean “deep-seated dislike or ill will,” enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed.

What is the meaning of over power?

Definition of overpower transitive verb. 1 : to overcome by superior force : subdue. 2 : to affect with overwhelming intensity the stench overpowered us. 3 : to provide with more power than is needed or desirable a dangerously overpowered car.

What is the trousseau mean?

Definition of trousseau : the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares. Did you know?

What does Impassiveness mean?

1 : giving no sign of feeling or emotion : expressionless. 2a : unsusceptible to or destitute of emotion : apathetic. b : unsusceptible to physical feeling : insensible. c archaic : unsusceptible to pain.

How do you use overshadow?

1. Fears for the President’s safety could overshadow his peace-making mission. 2. Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.

What is the opposite of overshadowed?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for overshadowed. clear, cloudless.

Is overshadowed an adjective?

Overshadowed can be a verb or an adjective.