What is the synonym of minuscule?

Lilliputian. diminutive. dwarf. itsy-bitsy.

What is minuscule and majuscule?

Letter case is the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase or capitals (or more formally majuscule) and smaller lowercase (or more formally minuscule) in the written representation of certain languages.

What is uppercase synonym?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for uppercase, like: upper-case letter, capital, capital-letter, lowercase, upper case, majuscule, upper, hyphen, umlaut, suffix and lower case. 50+ Darkness Quotes to Make You Think and Give Courage.

What type of word is minuscule?

Minuscule can be a noun or an adjective.

What does the word miniscule?

Miniscule is a variant of minuscule, meaning “very tiny.” Ants, grains of sand, and portion sizes at fancy restaurants might all be described as miniscule. Mini- means small, as in the words minimal and miniskirt.

Is it miniscule or minuscule?

Minuscule means very small. Miniscule is a newer spelling, probably derived from the prefix mini-. Many feel that miniscule is a misspelling, but it occurs so frequently that it appears as a variant spelling in some dictionaries.

What is a synonym for majuscule?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for majuscule, like: capital, great, capital-letter, uppercase, upper-case letter, minuscule and lowercase.

What is majuscule in handwriting?

majuscule, in calligraphy, capital, uppercase, or large letter in most alphabets, in contrast to the minuscule, lowercase, or small letter. All the letters in a majuscule script are contained between a single pair of (real or theoretical) horizontal lines.

What is the capital letter?

A capital letter is the bigger, taller version of a letter (like W), as opposed to the smaller version, which is called a lowercase letter (like w). Capital letters are also called uppercase letters or simply capitals.

What is the antonym of capital letter?

What is the opposite of capital letter?

lowercase lowercase letter
minuscule lower case letter
lower-case letter small letter