What is the synonym of footing?
What is the synonym of footing?
foothold, toehold, hold, grip, anchorage, purchase, secure position, firm contact, support. steadiness, stability, balance, equilibrium. 2’the business was put on a solid financial footing’ basis, base, foundation, underpinning, support, cornerstone.
What does good footing mean?
1 : a firm position or placing of the feet I lost my footing and slipped. 2 : foothold. 3 : position as compared to others We all started on the same footing. 4 : social relationship We’re on a good footing with our neighbors.
What does my footing mean?
Once you find your footing at the top of a mountain, you can look around and enjoy the view. Your literal footing is what keeps you sturdy, and if you lose that footing, you stumble. Figuratively, your footing is your status or position, especially when compared to other people.
What is another word for right path?
What is another word for on the right track?
correct | right |
lawful | pinpoint |
unequivocal | unembellished |
concrete | adequate |
admissible | unadulterated |
How do you use footing in a sentence?
1. I lost my footing and tumbled down the stairs. 2. Mrs Jenkins missed her footing and fell over.
What does legal footing mean?
If something is put on a particular footing, it is defined, established, or changed in a particular way, often so that it is able to develop or exist successfully. The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.
Is on good footing?
Meaning: To be on good terms with someone.
How do you use equal footing in a sentence?
1. The two teams stand on an equal footing. 2. The two groups must meet on an equal footing.
What does right track mean?
doing something correctly or well: You haven’t quite got the answer yet, but you’re on the right track.
Is along the right lines?
In or close to the manner that is most correct or able to achieve the desired result. After being rooted in the traditions of the past, the company has finally started thinking along the right lines in terms of modern consumer behaviors and expectations.
Is footing a thing?
a : the ability of your feet to stay where you put them as you walk, run, etc. He lost his footing and fell down the slope.