What is the symbol of Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka?
What is the symbol of Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka?
The colour red is a very important symbol in the poem, as it symbolises the man’s growing anger upon hearing a racist question. The chocolate mentioned by the speaker is a symbol of superficiality, just like the woman’s questions.
What is the message of the poem Telephone Conversation?
Central Theme In this poem, ‘Telephone Conversation’, Wole Soyinka exposes the prevalence of racial discrimination in society regardless of the stringent laws against it. He brings to light how it is practiced covertly by many white people. He highlights the hypocritical nature of these people in the poem.
Who are the characters in the poem Telephone Conversation?
The poem “Telephone Conversation” by Wole Soyinka introduces readers to the characters of the white landlady and the black African man. The African man is also the speaker in the poem.
What is the conflict of the poem Telephone Conversation?
This narrative poem focuses on the conflict between a black man and a white woman, which extends to the conflict between the two races in society.
What is the irony in the poem Telephone Conversation?
The Use of Irony in “The Telephone Conversation” In the beginning of the poem, the speaker starts his “self-confession” when he reveals his skin color to the lady. It is ironic that this is called a self-confession since the poet has done nothing wrong to confess his wrongdoing.
What literary device is used in the poem the telephone?
The poet uses various poetic devices such as satire, irony, sarcasm, imagery, pun, alliteration and assonance have been used to bring home to the reader the hypocrisy and racial discrimination of the white landlady.
Who was Wole Soyinka?
Wole Soyinka is best known as a playwright. Alongside his literary career, he has also worked as an actor and in theaters in Nigeria and Great Britain. His works also include poetry, novels, and essays.
How did the author of the poem depict the idea of racism in the poem Telephone Conversation?
In this poem, Telephone Conversation, Wole Soyinka is trying to highlight the impact of racial discrimination in the micro-structure of society. The title of the poem clearly reveals that two people are talking on the phone and the theme of racial discrimination is carried out through the dialogue form.