What is the surface of the leaf called?

Leaf Structure and Function. The outermost layer of the leaf is the epidermis. It consists of the upper and lower epidermis, which are present on either side of the leaf. Botanists call the upper side the adaxial surface (or adaxis) and the lower side the abaxial surface (or abaxis).

What is a surface easy definition?

Definition of surface (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : the exterior or upper boundary of an object or body on the surface of the water the earth’s surface. 2 : a plane or curved two-dimensional locus of points (such as the boundary of a three-dimensional region) plane surface surface of a sphere.

How do you describe the texture of a leaf?

Leaf Size, Shape, Texture Texture usually refers to the overall size of the leaves so textural sizes are relative to one another. Grasses have narrow, fine textured leaves. Salvias have medium textured leaves. Large Hosta leaves are considered coarse textured.

What are the different parts of a leaf?

There are three main parts of a leaf – Leaf base, leaf lamina, and petiole.

What is ventral surface of leaf?

Thelower side of leaf is the dorsal while the side facing the sun or upper side is ventral. Side of the leaf facing towards the sunlight, have more chlorophyll content and hence more green in color, is the ventral side of leaf while side which is facing toward the soil is dorsal side of the leaf.

What are the 7 parts of a leaf?

Ans. Stomata, guard cells, epidermal cells, mesophyll cells, and vascular bundles (xylem, phloem, veins) are the internal parts of a leaf. Q.

What are the different surfaces?


  • 1 Minimal surfaces.
  • 2 Ruled surfaces.
  • 3 Non-orientable surfaces.
  • 4 Quadrics.
  • 5 Pseudospherical surfaces.
  • 6 Algebraic surfaces.
  • 7 Miscellaneous surfaces.

What is surface and example?

Surface means relating to the outer or superficial characteristics, or carrying something on land or sea. An example of surface is the texture of the top of a table. An example of surface is a person who appears honest but really isn’t. An example of surface is mail that is carried by truck instead of by air.

How do you describe leaf edges?

The edges of the leaf, which are called the margins, provide more important clues to help identify the plant. If the margins are smooth, the leaf is described as “entire.” If there are “teeth” or notches along the edge, though, there are a few different ways to describe them.

How do you describe leaves?

Typically, a leaf consists of a broad expanded blade (the lamina), attached to the plant stem by a stalklike petiole. In angiosperms leaves commonly have a pair of structures known as stipules, which are located on each side of the leaf base and may resemble scales, spines, glands, or leaflike structures.

What is lamina of leaf?

In leaf: Leaf morphology. …a broad expanded blade (the lamina), attached to the plant stem by a stalklike petiole. In angiosperms leaves commonly have a pair of structures known as stipules, which are located on each side of the leaf base and may resemble scales, spines, glands, or leaflike structures.