What is the suppress mean?

1 : to put down by authority or force : subdue suppress a riot. 2 : to keep from public knowledge: such as. a : to keep secret.

What is the synonym for suppress?

slap down, snuff (out), squash, squelch, subdue.

Does suppress mean remove?

To stop something or someone; to prevent, prohibit, or subdue. To suppress evidence is to keep it from being admitted at trial by showing either that it was illegally obtained or that it is irrelevant. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2.

What is the meaning of suppress in biology?

(Science: medicine) Complete stoppage of a natural secretion or excretion; as, suppression of urine; used in contradiction to retention, which signifies that the secretion or excretion is retained without expulsion.

How do you say suppressed?

Break ‘suppressed’ down into sounds: [SUH] + [PREST] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

What is the opposite of suppressive?

Opposite of the action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication. encouragement. incitement. provocation.

What does suppress mean in law?

A motion to suppress is a motion that revolves around the exclusion of evidence from trial. In the United States, a motion to suppress is a request made by a criminal defendant in advance of a criminal trial asking the court to exclude certain evidence from the trial.

What does suppress feeling mean?

verb. If you suppress your feelings or reactions, you do not express them, even though you might want to.

Why do courts suppress names?

Under Victorian and New South Wales law, the following reasons can be grounds for suppression order: Preventing prejudice to the proper administration of justice. National or international security. Protecting the safety of a person.

What does function suppressed mean?

If a natural function or reaction of your body is suppressed, it is stopped, for example by drugs or illness. The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.