What is the subdivision map Act in California?

The California Subdivision Map Act authorizes local governmental agencies to regulate and control the design and improvements of subdivisions to ensure that new development takes place in an orderly manner, and that services such as roads, utilities, open space, and other services are adequately provided.

Does California have an act that regulates the subdivision of land?

The two basic California subdivision laws are the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Sections 66410, et seq.) and the Subdivided Lands Law (Sections 11000 – 11200 of the Business and Professions Code; hereinafter, the Code).

Who administered and controls the subdivision map act?

The city planner and city engineer are authorized and directed to administer and enforce the provisions of this division and applicable provisions of the Map Act for subdivisions within the city, except as otherwise provided by this division. (Ord. 2003-02 § 3, 2003).

Who regulates subdivisions in California?

The California Government Code – Subdivision Map Act (GC Section 66410 et seq.) regulates the subdivision of real property. The Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC Section 11511) also allows a County Assessor/ Tax Collector to subdivide a parcel and sell the “sufficient” part through a tax foreclosure auction.

What is the map act?

The MAP Rule sets specific deceptive acts and practices in the advertising of mortgage loan products and prohibits misrepresentation in any commercial communication concerning terms of mortgage loan products. This includes internet, radio, billboards, print and television advertising.

What is the purpose of the California subdivided Lands Law?

The Subdivided Lands Act is a consumer protection statute primarily intended to ensure adequate disclosures are made. The Subdivided Lands Act regulates public offerings of land in subdivisions for sale or lease and is interpreted and enforced by the California Department of Real Estate.

What is subdivided Lands Act?

Who has control over the approval of a subdivision under the subdivision Map Act?

local agency
Each local agency shall, by ordinance, regulate and control the initial design and improvement of common interest developments as defined in Section 1351 of the Civil Code and subdivisions for which this division requires a tentative and final or parcel map.

When was the subdivision map Act enacted?

Although California enacted a subdivision mapping act as early as 1907 and made several amendments through 1943, by the late ’60s the Subdivision Map Act was little more than an official method for platting subdivisions in order to assure good title to the resulting parcels.

Who has control over the approval of a subdivision under the subdivision map Act?

Who has control over the approval of a subdivision under the subdivision MAP Act?

When was the subdivision Map Act enacted?