What is the strongest Paladin build in Diablo 2?

the Hammerdin
What Is the Best Paladin Build? As it stands, the Hammerdin is widely recognised as one of the most powerful builds in Diablo 2 due to its high magic damage output that is rarely resisted by monsters. The Smiter is also notable for its ability to take on the hardest bosses in the game with very little gear.

What level should I switch to Hammerdin?

Level 18 and 19: You should have plenty of points to do this. Blessed Hammer, Concentration, Vigor, and Blessed Aim.

What skills do you need for Smiter?

Smiter Paladin has three primary skills, which need to be used if you want the full potential of the build. Smite is the main Skill — it’s in the name, after all….Skills for the Smiter Paladin in Diablo II: Resurrected Patch 2.4 & Ladder Season 1

  • Smite.
  • Holy Shield.
  • Fanaticism.

What is the best build for Paladin?

Quickly Navigate the Best Paladin Builds List by using the shortcut links below.

  • Hammer Build.
  • PVP Charge Build.
  • Smite Charger Build.
  • Hammerdin MF% Build.
  • Fist of Heaven Build.
  • Smiter Build.
  • Zealot Build.
  • All Builds.

What stats are best for Paladin d2?

Key stats for your Paladin in Diablo 2: Resurrected Faster Cast Rate (FCR), Faster Hit Recovery (FHR), Resistances, Vitality, Dexterity, and Faster Run/Walk are all keys to a strong build.

How much Dex does a Hammerdin need?

130 Dexterity
How Much Dexterity Does a Hammerdin Need? Holy Shield, 130 Dexterity should be enough. Note that the total Dexterity needed to reach a 75% chance to block depends on your character level, gear, and Holy Shield level.

Does Hammerdin weapon damage matter?

Weapons that increase skill levels will help with the damage, but the weapon damage and bonuses to weapon damage will not. The Concentration aura will affect Blessed Hammer’s damage, as will points in the synergy skills.

How much Dex is a Smiter?

How much Dexterity Does a Smiter Need? Holy Shield, 130 Dexterity should be enough. Always check your Character Sheet however, where you can track your current chance to block as you allocate Dexterity.