What is the strongest enchantment in Skyrim?

Without this exploit, Fortify Restoration is a solid choice for Restoration users. With this exploit, Fortify Restoration is easily the strongest enchantment in Skyrim.

Can you have 3 enchantments in Skyrim?

To enchant an item with multiple enchantments, you must have the extra effect perk. This allows you to enchant an item with two different enchantments.

What enchantments go on what Skyrim?


Enchantment Head Amulet
Fortify Alchemy Yes Yes
Fortify Alteration Yes Yes
Fortify Alteration and Magicka Regen
Fortify Archery Yes Yes

How do you get 100 Enchantment in Skyrim?

2 Answers

  1. Make sure you have at least a few thousand septims.
  2. Go to Halted Stream Camp, just north of Whiterun.
  3. Transmute everything into gold and/or silver (levels Alteration).
  4. Make a lot of jewelry (levels Smithing).
  5. Enchant the jewelry with the most valuable enchantments you can (levels Enchanting).

Can you stack enchantments in Skyrim?

Stacking enchantments | Fandom. Can you stack enchantments in skyrim, by enchanting all the armor pieces with the same enchantment? Technically you can, but it’s not very economic.

What enchantments should I put on my armor Skyrim?

Skyrim: The 20 Best Armor Enchantments, Ranked

  1. 1 Fortify Healing Rate. Applicable To: Chest, Amulets, Rings.
  2. 2 Fortify Stamina Regen. Applicable To: Chest, Feet, Amulets, Rings.
  3. 3 Fortify Heavy Armor.
  4. 4 Fortify Two-Handed.
  5. 5 Resist Magic.
  6. 6 Fortify Magicka Regen.
  7. 7 Fortify Destruction.
  8. 8 Fortify Smithing.

Does heavy armor reduce speed Skyrim?

Heavier armor not only slows you down, but causes Sprinting to deplete your endurance faster. Clothing does not seem to affect your speed whatsoever – only armor with an actual armor rating counts as light/heavy armor.

Can you wear clothes Under armor Skyrim?

“All magical robes or clothes that have an enchantment can be worn in the layer, and when normal armor is equipped, the enchantments, buffs, ect combine with anything else worn.”