What is the stream port on the Astro MixAmp for?

The Stream port is the niftiest of the group, connecting to either a PC or capture card and merging all of your audio into one source for streaming or capture. The USB port, of course, connects the Mixamp to either your PC or console.

Can you plug speakers into Astro MixAmp?

Yes you can. I plug in speakers to my mixamp TR every now and then. You might experience some high pitch/fuzzy noise and have to buy a ground loop isolater to get rid of it. Other than that works perfectly fine.

Does the MixAmp Pro work with PS5?

Wireless rigs like the A20, the MixAmp Pro TR and A50 Wireless will work via USB with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X; the latter system requires the headset to download a firmware update. For a full audio mix on the PS5, gamers will need to pick up an HDMI adapter from the company’s website for $40.

What is the AUX port on MixAmp pro?

The MixAmp’s Aux port will output your mic to your phone/tablet and your phone/tablet will output audio (chat, music, etc.) from your phone to the MixAmp.

What does the ASTRO optical cable do?

The 3.0m TOSlink Optical Cable is included with the MixAmp Pro TR and is used to send an audio signal from your PC or console to your MixAmp Pro TR or A50 Base Station. Works with all generations of the MixAmp Pro and A50 Base Station.

How do I connect my PS5 to MixAmp?

From the PlayStation Home Screen, navigate to Settings > Sound > Audio Output. Change Output Device to USB Headset (ASTRO MixAmp Pro). Change Switch Output Device Automatically to On. Under Headphones, change Output to Headphones to Voice Chat Audio.

Does any AUX cable work with Astros?

Compatible Model: This audio cable will allow you to connect your Astro A10 and A40 headsets to your PS4 or Xbox One Controller with 3.5mm jack. You may also you this cable to connect your Astro A10 and A40 headsets to your smartphone, tablet or PC with combined mic/headphone 3.5mm jack.