What is the story of Jupiter Ascending?

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) was born under signs that predicted future greatness, but her reality as a woman consists of cleaning other people’s houses and endless bad breaks. Caine (Channing Tatum), a genetically engineered hunter, arrives on Earth to locate her, making Jupiter finally aware of the great destiny that awaits her: Jupiter’s genetic signature marks her as the next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos.Jupiter Ascending / Film synopsis

Is Jupiter Ascending a sequel?

The Wachowski Sisters are to direct a sequel to last year’s Jupiter Ascending, it has been revealed, but with a much reduced budget. Mila Kunis will not return as Jupiter Jones, the Earth woman who takes on the villains, nor will Channing Tatum as the hybrid man-dog Caine Wise.

How much money did Jupiter Ascending lose?

It is estimated that Jupiter Ascending ended as a loss over $100 million. Warner Bros also had two other high profile disasters in 2015, Pan and In The Heart Of the Sea.

Why do they want Jupiter dead?

He convinces Jupiter that with her help, by marrying him, he can continue his mother’s work and bring an end to the harvesting. Shortly thereafter, Titus reveals his true motives to Caine, which include killing Jupiter after they are married so he can gain authority over Earth.

What went wrong with Jupiter Ascending?

The main reason why Jupiter Ascending became quickly overshadowed in the burgeoning field of female-centric sci-fi action is that it completely fails to cater to the audience’s desires to see female protagonists within these types of stories in which they have actual agency.

Where can I watch Jupiter Ascending 2?

Watch Jupiter Ascending | Netflix.

What was the biggest movie flop of all time?

Mars Needs Moms
As of November 2021, the biggest movie flop of all time was Disney’s “Mars Needs Moms” (2011), with an overall loss of 143.4 million U.S. dollars. DC Comics’ “Wonder Woman 1984” (2020) ranked second, losing almost 143 million dollars.

Does Jupiter marry Titus?

He attempts to marry Jupiter Jones in order to steal her inheritance for himself….

Titus Abrasax
Character information
Relatives Seraphi Abrasax (mother) Balem Abrasax (brother) Kalique Abrasax (sister)
Appearances Jupiter Ascending

Why did Jupiter go to the clinic?

With the encouragement of her cousin (Kick Gurry), Jupiter decides to sell her eggs to a fertility clinic to get some money and buy the telescope. At the clinic, the doctors and nurses are revealed as agents of Balem Abrasax sent to kill Jupiter.