What is the statement of sampling theorem?

Statement: A continuous time signal can be represented in its samples and can be recovered back when sampling frequency fs is greater than or equal to the twice the highest frequency component of message signal.

What is the origin of sampling theorem?

The sampling theorem was implied by the work of Harry Nyquist in 1928, in which he showed that up to 2B independent pulse samples could be sent through a system of bandwidth B; but he did not explicitly consider the problem of sampling and reconstruction of continuous signals.

What is sampling theorem in DSP?

The sampling theorem states that, “a signal can be exactly reproduced if it is sampled at the rate fs which is greater than twice the maximum frequency W.”

What is the sampling theorem formula?

ϕ n ( t ) = π W S W ( t − n π W ) , t ∈ R , n ∈ Z , {ϕn}−∞∞ forms a complete orthonormal system in BLW, and it is called a system of sampling functions. We can say that a sampling theorem is a Fourier expansion of an L2-function with respect to this system of sampling functions.

What is sampling theorem and its types?

SAMPLING THEOREM:- Sampling theorem states that a band limited signal having no frequency components higher than fm hertz can be sampled if its sampling freq is equal to or greater than Nyquist rate. Analog Signal Representation.

What is Nyquist theorem formula?

Specifically, in a noise-free channel, Nyquist tells us that we can transmit data at a rate of up to. C=2Blog2M. bits per second, where B is the bandwidth (in Hz) and M is the number of signal levels.

What are the applications of the sampling theorem?

Sampling process applicable in the conversion of analog to discrete form. Speech recognition systems and pattern recognition systems. Radar and radio navigation system sampling is applicable. Digital watermarking and biometric identification systems, surveillance systems.

What is sampling theorem and aliasing?

Aliasing is when a continuous-time sinusoid appears as a discrete-time sinusoid with multiple frequencies. The sampling theorem establishes conditions that prevent aliasing so that a continuous-time signal can be uniquely reconstructed from its samples. The sampling theorem is very important in signal processing.

What are the applications of sampling theorem?

To maintain sound quality in music recordings. Sampling process applicable in the conversion of analog to discrete form. Speech recognition systems and pattern recognition systems.

What are the two requirements of sampling theorem?

If, however, we satisfy two conditions:

  • The signal s(t) is bandlimited—has power in a restricted frequency range—to W Hz, and.
  • the sampling interval Ts is small enough so that the individual components in the sum do not overlap— Ts<1/2W,