What is the state of matter of flower?

A flower is a solid. Water is a liquid. Water is a liquid.

What are 3 examples of the 3 states of matter?

A liquid has a defined volume, but can change its shape. Water is an example of a liquid. A gas lacks either a defined shape or volume. Water vapor and air are examples of gas.

What is the name of the state of matter that has Rose of atoms in a regular arrangement?

The name of the state of matter that has rows of atoms in a regular arrangement is Solid. In solid state , the particles or molecules are very closely and regularly packed. It is because of this property of solids why it’s rigid in nature.

What objects have all 3 states of matter?

Water is the only substance where all three states can be readily observed in everyday life: solid water as ice, liquid water in a water fountain, and gaseous water as steam. Carbon dioxide is a good example of a substance which can be a liquid, but only when it is under pressure.

What state has a rose as a state flower?

New York
This is a list of U.S. state, federal district, and territory flowers.

State federal district or territory Common name Scientific name
New Jersey Violet Viola sororia
New Mexico Yucca flower Yucca
New York Rose Rosa
North Carolina Flowering dogwood (state flower) Cornus florida

Is flower a solid state of matter?

A plant (like an animal) is a complex structure which cannot be considered as a solid (and indeed living things were separated out in distinct substances, water would make up much of the content).

What is matter Give 5 examples?

A matter is referred to as a substance which has a certain mass and takes up a certain volume in space. For example pen, pencil, toothbrush, water, milk are matters as well as car, bus, bicycle is also a matter. So matter is considered as a living thing and a non-living thing.

What are the 3 changing states of matter?

Changing States Of Matter – Solid, Liquid And Gas | Phase Change.

How many states of matter are there?

There are four natural states of matter: Solids, liquids, gases and plasma. The fifth state is the man-made Bose-Einstein condensates.

What are the 3 matters?

There are three states of matter: solid; liquid and gas.