What is the standard biologic width?
What is the standard biologic width?
Figure 1] Based on this work, the biologic width is commonly stated to be 2.04 mm, which represents the sum of the epithelial and connective tissue measurements.[5] In 1977, Ingber et al.
What is the biological width around implant?
The biological width around implant is a 3-4mm distance from the top of the peri-implant mucosa to the first bone-to-implant contact or the stabilized top of the adjacent bone, consisting of sulcular epithelium, junctional epithelium and fibrous connective tissue between the epithelium and the first bone-to-implant …
What is biological width invasion?
The invasion of the biologic width was diagnosed when the distance from the gingival margin of restoration to the bony crest was less than 3 mm. Intrabony defect and bone crest level, as well as, their vertical and horizontal components were radiographically evaluated when present.
What happens if you violate the biologic width?
Biologic width violation can lead to bleeding or recession of the gingival tissue; chronic inflammation of the gingival tissue, especially immediately around the restoration; the formation of pockets between the gums and teeth; and loss of alveolar bone.
Why is biologic width important?
The natural barrier that develops around the teeth and dental implants to protect the alveolar bone from disease and infection is known as the biologic width. As such, biologic width is vital for the preservation of periodontal health and removal of irritation that could damage the periodontium.
What is Periimplantitis?
Peri-implantitis is a site-specific infectious disease that causes an inflammatory process in soft tissues, and bone loss around an osseointegrated implant in function.
What is Perry implant Titus?
Peri-implantitis is a destructive inflammatory process affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. The soft tissues become inflamed whereas the alveolar bone (hard tissue), which surrounds the implant for the purposes of retention, is lost over time.
What is Akut protocol?
[93] Peri-implant inflammations represent serious diseases after dental implant treatment, which affect both the surrounding hard and soft tissue. Due to prevalence rates up to 56%, peri-implantitis can lead to the loss of the implant without multilateral prevention and therapy concepts.
What is tooth fenestration?
Fenestration is an isolated area in which the tooth root is denuded of bone and the root surface is covered only by periosteum and overlying gingiva. Mucosal fenestration is a clinical entity in which the overlying gingiva or mucosa is also denuded thus the root is exposed to the oral cavity.
What is a split thickness flap?
split-thick·ness flap (split-thik’nĕs flap) A flap of a portion of the skin (i.e., the epidermis and part of the dermis), or of part of the mucosa and submucosa, but not including the periosteum.
What is CIST protocol?
Mombelli developed the Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy (CIST) protocol for maintenance of the dental implant and management of peri-implantitis. Parameters like infection, bleeding, suppuration (pus), pocket depth on probing, radiolucency on X-ray are considered into the protocol.