What is the special part of Euphorbia?

Typical Euphorbia-type inflorescences are produced throughout the year under ideal conditions. A specialized structure called a cyathium (fused bracts that form a cup) has a single female flower with 3 styles surrounded by five groups of male flowers, each with a single anther, and five nectar glands.

What is the English name of Euphorbia?

Euphorbia is a very large and diverse genus of flowering plants, commonly called spurge, in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). “Euphorbia” is sometimes used in ordinary English to collectively refer to all members of Euphorbiaceae (in deference to the type genus), not just to members of the genus.

Why is Euphorbia so diverse?

Although the succulent species of Euphorbia have diversified over several million years into many of the semi-arid and tropical parts of the World, diversity of Euphorbia in the Arabian Peninsula is derived from the invasion of mostly African lineages (Bruyns et al., 2011) .

Where can Euphorbia be found?

Euphorbia paralias, which belongs to this group, is a hardy perennial plant inhabiting sandy coasts and shingle beaches and it is native to the entire Mediterranean region.

Is Euphorbia a native plant?

Euphorbia misera is a species in the Euphorbiaceae (Spurge) family known by the common name Cliff Spurge. It is native to southern California and Baja California, where it is known from the Sonoran Desert and the coastline, including the Channel Islands of California.

How toxic is Euphorbia?

Categorised as a flowering plant in the spurge family, euphorbia is labelled as “poisonous” and a “skin and eye irritant” by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). In the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, it says: “The milky sap or latex of Euphorbia plant is highly toxic and an irritant to the skin and eye.”

Is a Euphorbia a cactus?

The Euphorbia genus of plants is most well-known for its succulent species which are elegant and architectural in appearance. These plants are often mistaken for cacti due to many of the popular varieties being stem succulents.

Are euphorbias available commercially?

Some euphorbias are commercially widely available, such as poinsettias at Christmas. Some are commonly cultivated as ornamentals, or collected and highly valued for the aesthetic appearance of their unique floral structures, such as the crown of thorns plant ( Euphorbia milii ).

What is the linking characteristic among the species of Euphorbia?

The linking characteristic among the species is the presence of a milky white sap in the plants. The species of Euphorbia grown for landscape use or as houseplants are mostly succulents, which feature fascinating shapes and foliage, but a few are known for their flowers.

Is Euphorbia obtusifolia a laxative?

Euphorbos wrote that one of the cactus-like euphorbias (now called Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp. regis-jubae) was used as a powerful laxative. In 12 BC, Juba named this plant after his physician Euphorbos, as Augustus Caesar had dedicated a statue to the brother of Euphorbos, Antonius Musa, who was the personal physician of Augustus.

What is eating my euphorbias?

Between the milky sap and the spiky needles, few animals find Euphorbias tempting. However, there are a few pests and diseases to be on the alert for. Mealybugs and spider mites are the most common pests. They will feed on the plants, weakening and eventually killing them.