What is the significance of Yin Yu Tang a Chinese house being moved to Salem Massachusetts?

Among the many literary interpretations of this name is the desire for the home to shelter generations of descendants. Yin Yu Tang was home to the Huang family for more than two hundred years until 1982 when the last descendants moved from the village.

Where is Yin Yu Tang?

“Yin Yu Tang” is the name of a house built 200 years ago in the small village of Huang Cun in southeastern China, approximately two hundred and fifty miles from the city of Shanghai.

What is the architecture in China?

Chinese architecture is characterized by various features such as bilateral symmetry, use of enclosed open spaces, the incorporation of ideas related to feng shui (e.g. directional hierarchies), a horizontal emphasis, and an allusion to various cosmological, mythological or in general symbolic elements.

Who is Bai wuxiang?

White No-Face (白无相, Bái Wúxiàng), titled as the White-Clothed Calamity (白衣祸世, Bái Yīhuò Shì), is the eldest and most powerful of the Four Great Calamities. Centuries ago, he had great influence in the fall of the Xianle kingdom. White No-Face is a tall youth and appears to be seventeen or eighteen years old.

Why are Chinese doors round?

Chinese doorways take on a variety of shapes. This round doorway is often referred to as a moongate because of its shape. It represents the full moon, or happiness. The color red represents joy and the bringing of good fortune.

Why does Hua Cheng wear an eye patch?

As a child and teenager, Hua Cheng wore bandages over the right side of his face at all times, due to being bullied for his appearance. The bandages were in fact covering his right, red eye. Said eye was eventually carved out and now a black eyepatch hides it.

Why did Hua Cheng lose his eye?

He originally planned to kill one of the human to forge a weapon that save the rest, but he changed his mind at the last minute and gouged out his own right eye to forge E-Ming. His soul was so unstable that this should have killed him but it had the exact opposite effect and woke up his consciousness completely.

How did Hua Cheng become a ghost?

Tortured by the sight of Xie Lian suffering lifetimes of pain and being too powerless to answer his God’s cry for help, resentment and agony turned Hong-er from a mere ghost fire into a powerful malicious ghost.

Why is it called a moon gate?

This work was inspired by traditional moon gate, a circular opening in classical Chinese gardens that acts both as a passageway and a distinctive Chinese architectural element. These gates imitate the shape of the full moon, so it is called the moon gate.

What do moon gates symbolize?

According to Wikipedia, A moon gate is a circular opening in a garden wall that acts as a pedestrian passageway and is a traditional architectural element in Chinese gardens. As it visually rises up out of the landscape, a moon gate is symbolic of birth and renewal.