What is the scientific name for tree snail?

(Lanai tree snail)

Are Oahu tree snails extinct?

SPECIES INFORMATION: The entire genus Achatinella consisting of 41 species of small, colorful tree snails (Family: Achatinellidae), is endemic to O’ahu; 22 species are believed to be extinct and 18 are near extinction.

What is Hawaiian for snail?

Achatinella is a tropical genus of colorful land snails in the monotypic Achatinellidae subfamily Achatinellinae. Species are arboreal pulmonate gastropod mollusks with some species called Oʻahu tree snails or kāhuli in the Hawaiian language.

What snails are native to Hawaii?


Amastra goniops Laminella aspera Leptachatina vitreola
Lyropupa sp. Newcombia cumingi Partulina crocea
Partulina fusoidea Partulina marmorata Partulina perdix
Partulina porcellana Partulina splendida Partulina tappaniana
Perdicella ornata Perdicella zebra Pleuropoma sp.

Why are Oahu tree snails important?

The Hawaiian tree snails specialize on the gunk that grows on leaves. Upon feeding, they reduce the abundance of fungi on leaves while increasing fungal diversity—and because of that, they may have helped protect their host trees from diseases.

Are there snails in Hawaii?

There are three known populations of Auriculella perpusilla on O’ahu, and a small number of snails were selected for a captive-breeding program to help conserve the species. Hawaii once had 752 species of land snails, but more than half of them are believed to have gone extinct due to habitat loss and invasive species.

How many Oahu tree snails are left?

How many species remain? While Oahu used to have nearly 42 different snails, there remain now only about 7-8 snails and all but two are endangered. These snails remain in captivity at the University of Hawaii, where breeding efforts are underway to increase populations to be re-introduced in the wild.

Why is the Oahu tree snail important?

Are tree snails poisonous?

Touching the snail or even letting one crawl on you holds no danger, as snails aren’t poisonous. If you like to eat them as escargot, however, you can’t just pick up a garden snail and cook it. Snails ingest dangerous chemicals, such as pesticides and snail bait, as they move through flower beds looking for food.

Are snails in Hawaii poisonous?

Yes, snails in Hawaii can be potentially deadly, though there have been no fatalities here yet. There are thirty to forty species of Conus snail in the waters of Hawaii.

Why did the Hawaiian snail go extinct?

The declines can mostly be attributed to invasive predators, including rats (Rattus rattus) and other rodents, Jackson’s chameleons (Trioceros jacksonii), and, ironically enough, another snail—a predatory species called the rosy wolfsnail (Euglandina rosea) that was imported from Florida.

What do tree snails eat?

Tree snails eat algae and fungus that they scrape from smooth barked trees. Some of their favorite greenery includes wild tamarind, pigeon plum, myrsine and bustic.

Are there tree snails on Oahu Hawaii?

Species are arborealpulmonategastropodmolluskswith some species called Oʻahu tree snailsor kāhuliin the Hawaiian language. Achatinellaspecies are all endemic to the island of Oahuin Hawaii, and all remaining extantspecies are endangered.

What is the molecular systematics of the endangered O’ahu tree snail?

Molecular systematics of the endangered O‘ahu tree snail Achatinella mustelina (Mighels 1845): Synonymization of subspecies and estimation of gene flow between chiral morphs. Pacific Science, 61(1): 53-66.

How big do snails get on hiking trails?

These snails range in size from approximately 5-12 mm and are both arboreal and ground dwelling and lay large gelatinous egg masses. Locally, these snails are known as “Snot in a Hat,” because their large body often does not fit inside their small-flat shells. These are some of the most commonly observed snails along upper elevation hiking trails.

What is a Hawaiian kahuli?

According to Ancient Hawaiianfolklore, the kāhuli are known as the pūpū kani oe, which translates to “shell that sounds long” or the “singing shell”. They are believed to be able vocalize and sing at night.