What is the saying about complacency?

Complacency Quotes

  • Success breeds complacency.
  • The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities.

What is the saying about winning and losing?

“One who wins always is not the wise one, rather wise is the one who knows where to lose.” “Winning is not always punctual but eventually it comes.” “Somebody took the same situation that you’re complaining about and won with it.” “And after all of this, you will win again.”

Who said complacency is the enemy of success?

Complacency is the enemy of progress. Dave Stutman – Forbes Quotes.

What is complacency and why is it the greatest enemy of motivation?

The greatest enemy of motivation is complacency. Complacency leads to lack of effort, and when people are complacent they don’t grow because they cannot identify what is needed in their lives.

Can you not be complacent quotes?

“Don’t be deceived by the spirit of complacency and think you have achieved enough. Try to become better than you’ve been.” “Don’t become complacent because ‘things could be worse’ but rather get busy because ‘things could be better’.”

Why winners win and losers lose quote?

Winners fail a thousand times and eventually succeed. Losers look for success at the finish line. Winners experience success along the way. Losers work to make money.

How do you stop complacency?

5 Strategies to Avoid Complacency

  1. 1) Strive for something. Set a big goal and come up with a plan to work toward it.
  2. 2) Step outside the circle of your comfort zone. The majority of our lives we live inside our comfort zone.
  3. 3) Find a mentor.
  4. 4) Plan to avoid failure ahead of time.
  5. 5) Be kind to yourself.