What is the safest personal lubricant to use?

List of possible lubrication alternatives

  • Aloe vera. Aloe vera is water-based and can improve skin hydration while also reducing irritation.
  • Plain yogurt. Plain yogurt could be a useful alternative lubricant.
  • Olive oil.
  • Virgin coconut oil.
  • Egg whites.

What is the healthiest lube for a woman?

Now that you know what kind of natural lubricant to look for, check out the options below–they’re good enough for OB/GYNs.

  • 2 K-Y Jelly Personal Water-Based Lubricant.
  • 4 Good Clean Love Almost Naked Personal Lubricant.
  • 5 Astroglide Ultra Gentle Gel Personal Lubricant.

What can I use as lube for myself?

If you’re looking for a safer and simpler option, here are the best natural lubricants you should try.

  1. Virgin coconut oil. “Coconut oil is a popular natural lubricant which is usually well-tolerated,” Dweck says.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Aloe vera.
  4. Avocado oil.
  5. Vitamin E oil.

Is K-Y jelly the best lube?

KY Brand JELLY is the #1 Doctor Recommended and most trusted lubricant brand+.

Can I put honey in my Virginia?

Vaginal yogurt with honey. Honey is a natural antibiotic/ antifungal. Small studies show that when yogurt with honey is inserted vaginally it can help a yeast infection in some patients, but is far inferior to antifungal treatments available over the counter.

How can I increase my natural lubrication?

Here are some natural ways to combat vaginal dryness and increase lubrication:

  1. Take vitamin A.
  2. Get more vitamin B.
  3. Increase beta-carotene intake.
  4. Eat more omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Incorporate vitamin E into your diet.
  6. Try a vaginal DHEA treatment.
  7. Look into estrogen treatments.
  8. Apply topical hyaluronic acid.

Is K-Y jelly harmful?

It is water based and considered non-toxic. Accidental ingestion of KY Jelly usually doesn’t cause symptoms. If a large amount is swallowed, there can be a laxative effect as it passes through the system resulting in a loose stool.

Does pineapple actually make it taste better?

But specifically saying that pineapple will change its taste is not correct. It’s about more major changes to your diet,” he explained. Foster added that the best thing to do is drink plenty of fluid, which might help dilute any taste, and to keep good hygiene.

Does coffee make your VAG taste better?

O’Reilly’s clients have reported that eating sweet fruits, vegetables, and herbs can “temper the taste of vaginal discharge to heighten its sugary flavor,” she says. “They also suggest that smoking, caffeine, and preservatives can result in a more bitter taste.”

What does eating pineapple do to a girl?

Eating it may be particularly advantageous for women because its high vitamin C content plays an important role in supporting healthy bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Furthermore, pineapple provides nutrients, such as copper and several B vitamins, that are important during pregnancy.