What is the role and function of the infection control team?

The Infection Prevention and Control Team work alongside other Healthcare staff to ensure that all measures are taken to reduce and prevent healthcare associated infection.

What are the 5 basic principles for infection control?

IPC Procedures

  • Basic Principles.
  • Hand hygiene.
  • Standard precautions.
  • Isolation of patients.
  • Hierarchy of controls.

What is the role of nurse in infection control?

An infection control nurse is a registered nurse (RN) who implements best practices for halting the spread of viruses and bacteria and delivers top care to patients who have contracted infectious diseases.

What is the primary purpose of infection control?

Infection control prevents or stops the spread of infections in healthcare settings. This site includes an overview of how infections spread, ways to prevent the spread of infections, and more detailed recommendations by type of healthcare setting.

What is the role of nurse to prevent hospital acquired infection?

Nurses have many tools available to create a safe environment for patients that among others, there are five main areas of nursing practice where they can help and monitor control and prevention of HAIs which are as follows: promotion of hand hygiene, make best use of aseptic techniques, universal precautionary …

How can nurses minimize the spread of infections?

Airborne spread Proper use of personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, masks, gowns), aseptic technique, hand hygiene, and environmental infection control measures are primary methods to protect the patient from transmission of microorganisms from another patient and from the health care worker.

What does an infection control nurse do?

What is an Infection Control Nurse? An Infection Control Nurse, also known as an Infection Prevention Nurse, helps prevent and identify the spread of infectious agents like bacteria and viruses in a healthcare environment.

What is the role of a nurse in infection control?

What is the most important nursing procedure to prevent infections?

Hand washing
Hand washing is another potent weapon in the nurse’s arsenal against infection, and is the single most important nursing intervention to prevent infection.