What is the Revenue Code for physical therapy?

Occupational,Physical and Speech Therapy

Revenue Code Description
420 Physical therapy
421 Visit charge
422 Hourly charge
423 Group rate

What is Procedure Code 450?

Emergency room
Commonly Billed Services

Revenue Code Description Payment Status
450 Emergency room: general classification ER All-Inclusive Payment
0250 Pharmacy Included in ER All-Inclusive Payment
030x Laboratory Not included in ER All-Inclusive Payment
0730 EKG/ECG Not included in ER All-Inclusive Payment

What is Procedure Code 300?

2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 300 : Anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders.

What is Revenue Code 361?

26 U.S. Code § 361 – Nonrecognition of gain or loss to corporations; treatment of distributions.

What can physical therapists bill for?

Physical therapists can bill for:

  • Telehealth.
  • Evaluation and Treatment on the Same Day.
  • Therapeutic Massage.
  • Maintenance Therapy.
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • One-on-One Services in a Group.
  • Student-Led Services.
  • Dry Needling.

What does code 250 mean in a hospital?

Patient emergency internal. Code 250. Patient emergency external. You just studied 20 terms!

What is procedure code 301?


What is a 636 revenue code?

Managed care payers often have “carve-out” payments for drugs reported in revenue code 636 (Drugs requiring detailed coding) when reported on both inpatient and outpatient claims. Outlier payments are calculated on all charges reported for inpatients and outpatients.