What is the required GPA for Dphie?
What is the required GPA for Dphie?
What is the GPA requirement to run for a position? Leadership Team members must hold a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and coordinator positions must hold a cumulative GPA 2.25 on a 4.0 scale. These GPA requirements can be raised by local chapter by-laws but cannot be lowered.
How do I join Delta Phi Epsilon?
How do I join? Delta Phi Epsilon chapters abide by the recruitment policies set forth by the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). You can learn more about recruitment on your specific campus by reaching out to your college or university’s Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) or Student Involvement office.
What sorority has purple?
Alpha Delta Pi (ΑΔΠ), Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ), Sigma Kappa (ΣΚ), and Sigma Sigma Sigma (ΣΣΣ) all use different color violets as their flowers of choice.
What about membership in Delta Phi Epsilon most excites you?
What excited me the most about membership in Delta Phi Epsilon is all of the opportunities that we as sisters are offered in the sorority. Being able to apply for scholarships, job opportunities, and making life long friends and memories makes me excited for the next four years in the sorority.
Which of the below are the 5 S’s that make up the Pearl Program?
The Pearl Program is based on the 5 S’s- Scholarship, Social, Sisterhood, Service, and Self.
How long is the new member process for DPhiE?
six weeks long
Our new member program is six weeks long. The first week gives a brief overview of Delta Phi Epsilon’s history and founding. In each of the following weeks, we focus on one of the five core areas of the sorority (the 5S’s)–Self, Scholarship, Sisterhood, Social, and Service.
Who are the founders of DPhiE?
Minna Goldsmith Mahler
Ida Bienstock LandauDorothy Cohen SchwartzmanEva Effron RobinSylvia Steierman Cohn
Delta Phi Epsilon/Founders