What is the remote code for Samsung soundbar?

Use the following 5 digit remote codes… All remote codes above are reported working with the Samsung Soundbar Model Numbers: HW-FM55C, FM550, HE550, HW-HM45, F550, J450, HW-E450, HW-J450, HW-J650, HW-F450, WH-E450, HW-J355, HW-D450, HW-H550, HW-H7500/ZA, and HW-HM55C.

How do I connect my universal remote to my soundbar?

What is this? Point your universal remote at the soundbar you want to pair to. Press the Setup button on your universal remote until the light on the remote flashes (this step will vary depending on the brand), or press the AUX and OK buttons simultaneously, then press the channel up button.

How do I pair my Samsung soundbar with my Comcast remote?

How to Program an Xfinity Remote to a Soundbar

  1. Make your Soundbar the Default Output Receiver.
  2. Press the ‘Setup’ Button on Your Remote.
  3. Wait for the LED Light to Turn Green.
  4. Enter Soundbar Manufacturer’s Code.
  5. Wait for LED Light to Flash Green Twice.
  6. Test the Remote Works.

How do I control my soundbar with my TV remote cable?

Once your devices are connected, you should be able to hear the audio through your soundbar. If not, use your TV remote to go to Settings, locate “TV Speaker,” and turn that off. Alternatively, you can select the HDMI ARC or digital optical setting options to activate audio.

Where do I find my soundbar manufacturer code?

How to find the model code or serial number of your Samsung…

  1. The model code and serial number are printed on a sticker on the back or the bottom of the soundbar:
  2. The model code usually starts with HW (example: HW-S60A) for Samsung soundbar.

Can you use a universal remote on a Samsung soundbar?

It will be easier for you to operate and program the Universal Remote Control to work on the Samsung Soundbar. Turn on your Samsung soundbar. Direct the universal remote towards the Samsung soundbar needed to be programmed. Select the option of “Menu” on the Universal Remote Control and hit the “Setting” button.

How can I control my Samsung Soundbar without the remote?

To control the Soundbar with your smart device and the Samsung Audio Remote app, download the Samsung Audio Remote app from Google Play Store. You can select different input sources, select songs, and control some functions through the Audio Remote App.