What is the relationship between the moose and the wolf?

On a secluded island in Lake Superior, captive wolf packs and moose populations depend on one another for survival: The moose are the wolves’ chief nutritional source, and the wolves, in turn, help keep the moose population in check.

Why is this interaction between the moose and wolves called a cycle?

it is called a cycle because the interactions happen continuously and never end.

What is the relationship between a wolf and a moose quizlet?

*What is the relationship between the moose and the wolves on Isle Royale? Wolves- predators Moose- prey The wolves hunt the moose; so if there are more predators, they will overeat the prey.

What happens to moose when the wolf population declines?

The populations of wolves and moose on Isle Royale constantly adjust as food availability, weather, and seasons affect the health and reproduction of the animals. Over time, notice as the wolf population declines, the moose population increases and vice versa.

What patterns do scientists observe between predator/prey relationships on the wolves and moose on Isle Royale?

Explanation. The wolves, which act as predators, control the population of the moose (herbivores). As the population of wolves has declined, the population of the moose increased. This event has led to the decline of vegetation in the area.

Do wolves prey on moose?

Wolves attack only about 1 out of every ten moose that they chase down. They kill 8 or 9 of every ten moose that they decide to attack. The decision to attack or not is a vicious tension between intense hunger and wanting not to be killed by your food. Wolves typically attack moose at the rump and nose.

When the wolf population increases what happens to the moose population?

Describe the pattern between the wolf (predator) population in relation to the moose (prey) population. They depend on one another. Moose increase; wolves have more food and increase; moose decrease and then wolves decrease.

How can tick populations that prey on moose affect wolf population?

The weakened moose population became susceptible to increased predation by wolves, which resulted in an increase in the wolf population.

What can be concluded about the relationship between wolves and moose based on this graph?

Q. What can be concluded about the relationship between wolves and moose, based on this graph? Wolves prey on moose.

What would happen to the moose population if the wolves were removed from Isle Royale?

What would happen to the moose population if the wolves were removed from Isle Royale? Moose would go unchecked and increase to a point and then decrease due to other limiting factors. 4. Describe the pattern between the wolf (predator) population in relation to the moose (prey) population.

What type of pattern is seen between the sizes of moose and wolf populations on Isle Royale?

Which statement is true regarding the distribution patterns of the wolf and moose populations on Isle Royale? Moose demonstrate a random distribution pattern, and wolves demonstrate a clumped distribution pattern.

How does the wolf population on Isle Royale affect the carrying capacity of the moose population?

Thus, moose population will increases. If the wolf population is high, the moose population will decline because more of them are being eaten before they can reproduce. If the moose population is very low, the wolf population declines because there is not enough food to sustain their numbers.