What is the relationship between body fat distribution and HIV?

The FRAM (Fat Redistribution and Metabolic Change in HIV Infection) Study compared fat distribution between HIV-infected individuals and HIV-negative controls and revealed a greater degree of fat loss in peripheral and most central depots among HIV-infected men and women when compared to controls.

Does HIV cause lipodystrophy?

Key Points. Lipodystrophy refers to the changes in body fat that can affect some people with HIV. Lipodystrophy can include buildup of body fat, loss of body fat, or both. Lipodystrophy may be due to HIV infection or medicines used to treat HIV, but its actual cause is not understood.

What causes fat redistribution?

HIV causes immune dysregulation and immune deficiency. Either or both may play a role in fat redistribution. It could be due to the partial immune reconstitution that occurs from successful therapy, or there may be an abnormal immune response to therapy.

Does HIV affect fat cells?

Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) alterations are often observed among people living with HIV. Some insults to adipose tissue could result from HIV infection. HIV is present in certain T cells and macrophages within adipose tissue.

What is lipodystrophy syndrome?

Lipodystrophy is a group of rare syndromes that cause a person to lose fat from some parts of the body, while gaining it in others, including on organs like the liver. A person can be born with lipodystrophy or develop it later in life.

How fast does lipodystrophy happen?

Lipodystrophy associated with PIs occurs 2-12 months after starting PI therapy.

What does redistribution of body fat mean?

Body fat redistribution (BFR) syndrome, sometimes called fat derangement, is a medical condition characterized by fat loss (or occasionally fat gain), often in the cheeks or face. BFR most often occurs in HIV/AIDS patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy.

What causes uneven fat distribution?

Most people tend to accumulate fat either in their midsection or in their hips and thighs. But your genes, sex, age, and hormones could affect how much fat you have and where it goes.

What causes lipodystrophy?

Congenital generalized lipodystrophy (CGL) is caused by a genetic mutation and can often be detected within the first year of a child’s birth. This is because the body’s inability to form fat tissue may make a child’s muscles and veins more visible.

What are symptoms of lipodystrophy?

What are the signs and symptoms of Lipodystrophy?

  • Reduced fat tissue: There may be a notable absence of fat under the skin and this can be associated with the increased prominence of muscles and blood vessels.
  • Skin changes: Lipodystrophy is often associated with increases in insulin production by the pancreas.