What is the range of microwave region?

Microwave frequencies range between 109 Hz (1 GHz) to 1000 GHz with respective wavelengths of 30 to 0.03 cm.

What will be the range for IR radiation in Wavenumbers?

The infrared range covers 700-1000 nm (wavelength), or 14,286-12,800 cm-1 (wavenumber), and ultraviolet radiation has wavenumbers above these, approximately, 25,000 – 50,000 cm-1, or 100 to 400 nm (wavelength).

What type of radiation is 1200 nm?

It is by this unit that we can classify any type of radiation. In this classification we find ultraviolet (UV) from 200 to 400 nm, blue from 400 to 500 nm, green from 500 to 600 nm, red from 600 to 700 nm, near infrared (NIR) from 700 to 800 nm and finally infrared (IR) from 800 to 1200 nm.

What is the size of a microwave wavelength?

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves. Their frequencies (wavelengths) are in the range from 300 MHz (λ = 1 m) up to 300 GHz (λ = 1 mm). Regarding wavelengths as typical spatial dimensions, one realizes that microwaves do not have dimensions ofµm, as might be expected from the misleading ‘micro’ in their name.

What is the wavenumber of a wave?

Wavenumber. In a traveling plane wave, wavenumber is the spatial equivalent of frequency. If you stopped time, the wavenumber tells you how many radians there are per unit length. Wavenumber is denoted by lower case letter “k”. In order to better understand wavenumber, we have to start with the Helmholtz equation,…

What is the wavelength of light in microns (µm)?

Wavelength in µm = 10,000/ cm-1. So the wavelength of light having a wavenumber 300 cm -1 => 33 microns. 10,000/300 = 33 µm. Wavelength in nm = 10,000,000/ cm-1. so the wavelength of light having a wavenumber of 4000 cm-1 => 2500 nm. 10,000,000/4000 = 2500 nm.

What is the unit for wavenumber in spectroscopy?

In spectroscopy it is usual to give wavenumbers in cgs unit (i.e., reciprocal centimeters; cm−1); in this context, the wavenumber was formerly called the Kayser, after Heinrich Kayser (some older scientific papers used this unit, abbreviated as K, where 1 K = 1 cm−1).

What is the wavenumber of 1 cm in GHz?

It is sometimes called the “spectroscopic wavenumber”. It equals the spatial frequency. A wavenumber in inverse cm can be converted to a frequency in GHz by multiplying by 29.9792458 (the speed of light in centimeters per nanosecond). An electromagnetic wave at 29.9792458 GHz has a wavelength of 1 cm in free space.