What is the range of a Cantenna?

Wireless Garden SCB10X Specs

Peak Gain 12 dBi
Frequency Range 2.4-2.5 GHz
VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) < 1.5:1 average
Polarization Linear
Direction 30° Unidirectional

What type of antenna is a Cantenna?

A cantenna (a portmanteau blending the words can and antenna) is a homemade directional waveguide antenna, made out of an open-ended metal can.

Does a cantenna work?

A cantenna is an antenna made from a can that can amplify wifi signals from 5-22db in most cases. The cantenna also makes it possible to increase the distance of many wireless networks. In addition, there are many websites that can help you design and see examples of homemade cantennas.

How does a WiFi cantenna work?

The aluminum can acts as a medium for the radio waves to be guided through, hence the term waveguide cantenna. Radio waves will be “guided” into the can and interact with the wire element, which sends a signal down the pigtail cable and then to your computer or router.

How do I get free WiFi with an antenna?

How to Get Free Internet Service With a WiFi Antenna

  1. Travel to a business or other location that offers free wireless Internet.
  2. Hover the mouse over the wireless network icon in the system tray to determine if the computer connected automatically.
  3. Verify your connection.

How do you use Cantenna?

Connect the Cantenna to a Wireless Router or Wireless USB Dongle. Your cantenna is almost done; just connect the pigtail cable from the cantenna into a wireless router or wireless USB dongle. The router or dongle needs to have a removable antenna. The picture below shows the classic WRT54G being used.

How do you use cantenna?

How can I make my own Wi-Fi for free?

How to Get Free WiFi Anywhere

  1. Share Your Smartphone’s Internet Connection.
  2. Use a Hotspot Database App.
  3. Buy a Portable Router.
  4. Visit Popular WiFi Hotspot Locations.
  5. Look for Hidden WiFi Networks.

How do I pick up Wi-Fi from long distance?

If you want to connect to your neighbor’s wifi, which is a mile away, then the only way to get free internet from that far away is to have a directional antenna with a line of sight, or in layman terms, no barriers in between.

Is the Miller Lite Cantenna real?

“The Miller Lite Cantenna is a working digital antenna but also a real beer,” says Sofia Colucci, global vice president, Miller Family of Brands. “Since a lot of us can’t go to the bars in real life, we are going to be watching from home and resorting to streaming…