What is the purpose of using thioglycollate broth?

Uses of Thioglycollate broth Thioglycollate broth is used to find out the growth characteristics of various bacteria based on their oxygen requirements.

What is the main use of thioglycollate in microbiological media?

Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) is an enriched nonselective liquid medium used for the growth of microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria, including fastidious organisms, from clinical specimens.

What is the purpose of fluid thioglycollate test?

Fluid Thioglycolate Medium is suitable for the isolation and cultivation of fastidious anaerobic as well as aerobic microorganisms. It is used for sterility control of pharmaceutical products.

What does thioglycollate do in an anaerobic culture medium?

Sodium thioglycollate is a reducing agent which maintains a low oxygen tension in anaerobic media. A small amount of agar is added to impede diffusion of oxygen.

What grows in Thio broth?

Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria can be identified by growing them in test tubes of thioglycolate broth:

  • Obligate aerobes need oxygen because they cannot ferment or respire anaerobically.
  • Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by oxygen, so they gather at the bottom of the tube where the oxygen concentration is lowest.

What does anaerobic bacteria need to grow?

An anaerobic organism or anaerobe is any organism that does not require molecular oxygen for growth. It may react negatively or even die if free oxygen is present. In contrast, an aerobic organism (aerobe) is an organism that requires an oxygenated environment.

Why will obligate anaerobes grow in thioglycolate broth?

Why will obligate anaerobes grow in thioglycolate? The free sulfur will tie up atmospheric oxygen, leaving the bottom of the medium anaerobic.

Is E coli aerobic or anaerobic?

facultative anaerobic bacterium
The model organism Escherichia coli is a facultative anaerobic bacterium, i.e. it is able to grow in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.

What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria?

An aerobic organism or aerobe is an organism that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment. In contrast, an anaerobic organism (anaerobe) is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth. Some anaerobes react negatively or even die if oxygen is present.