What is the purpose of Tina?

A public law enacted for the purpose of providing for full and fair disclosure by contractors in the conduct of negotiations with the Government.

What is Tina certification?

The Truth in Negotiation Act (TINA) currently requires offerors to certify that accurate, current, and complete cost or pricing data was disclosed to the government for negotiated procurements valued at $750,000 or more.

What is the purpose of certified cost and pricing data?

The head of the contracting activity shall justify the requirement for certified cost or pricing data. The documentation shall include a written finding that certified cost or pricing data are necessary to determine whether the price is fair and reasonable and the facts supporting that finding.

What are the exceptions to TINA?

There are few instances in which a contractor can claim exemption from TINA:

  • if there’s adequate price competition and the government knows the price is fair,
  • prices are set by law or regulation, or.
  • the item the government is seeking is a commercial item.

What is the TINA threshold for 2022?

Effective immediately, this class deviation revises and supersedes Class Deviation 2022- O0001 issued on October 5, 2021. The revision is necessary to correct the TINA threshold expressed at 52.214-27 (DEVIATION) paragraph (a).

What is DoD’s policy on acquiring data rights?

(a) DoD policy is to acquire only the technical data, and the rights in that data, necessary to satisfy agency needs.

What is Tina called now?

What the FAC did was to rename The TINA “Truthful Cost or Pricing Data”. This was just one of a number of changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) that resulted from positive law codifications.

What does Tina mean in contracting?

the Truth in Negotiations Act
The Truthful Cost or Pricing Data Act (commonly referred to by its historical name, the Truth in Negotiations Act or TINA) 1. requires contractors to submit certified cost or pricing data if a procurement’s value exceeds the specified threshold and no exceptions apply.

What does it mean to certify costs?

Cost Certification means a certification of the Company, as of a specified date, setting forth in reasonable detail the costs incurred and, if appropriate, to be incurred by the Company in completing the provision of the Project, including a detail by category of all Allowable Innovation Costs.

What is data other than certified cost or pricing data?

Data other than certified cost or pricing data means pricing or cost data and judgmental information necessary for the contracting officer to determine a fair and reasonable price or to determine cost realism.