What is the punishment for carrying a knife UK?

The maximum sentence for carrying a knife illegally is four years in prison and an unlimited fine. If you injure someone or use a knife to commit a crime, the penalties could increase.

Does the UK have a knife ban?

Banned knives and weapons. It’s illegal to bring into the UK, possess, sell, hire, lend or give someone a banned knife, unless a legal exemption applies. Also known as ‘balisongs’. A handle that splits in the middle to reveal a blade.

Is a Swiss Army Knife legal UK?

Are there any legal provisions regarding Swiss Army Knives? Please note that it is an offence under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 to carry a knife with a blade of more than 3 inches/7.62 cm long in public and can lead to a fine and/or imprisonment unless there is a lawful reason for doing so.

Can I take a knife camping in the UK?

Combat Knives There is no reasonable justification for carrying a combat knife while camping in the UK. The law does not permit carrying any offensive weapon, even for self-defence. It means that you won’t be able to defend yourself in a court of law if caught with a combat knife on your person.

Can I carry a Swiss Army knife UK?

carry a knife in public without good reason – unless it’s a knife with a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less, e.g. a Swiss Army knife (a “lock knife” does not come into the category of “folding pocket knife” because it is not immediately foldable at all times) carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife.

Can I own a sword in the UK?

UK Law does not require you to have a license to purchase or own a sword. All of the weaponry on our site is legal within the UK. If you are ordering from overseas it is best to check with your local law enforcement office before placing your order.

Is a Swiss Army Knife legal in the UK?

Can I carry an AXE in the UK?

As we explored in the UK Knife Law article, all you can legally carry is a non-locking folding blade under 3 inches in length without reasonable excuse. This means that any axe can be considered an offensive weapon unless you have a justifiable reason to be carrying the axe.

Are sword sticks legal in UK?

The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) Order 1988, ISBN 0-11-088019-6 also made it illegal to trade in sword canes in the United Kingdom. However, antique swordsticks which are 100 years old or older are exempt.

Are Swiss Army knives legal UK?

Is Katana legal in UK?

UK blade law specifically forbids all katanas. Unless “it was made before 1954, or was made at any time using traditional methods”. So if it was made using a modern production line, it’s illegal in the UK.