What is the protein level in oat hay?
What is the protein level in oat hay?
Oat hay is a grass hay, and its energy/calorie and protein levels are similar to timothy, which averages at around 9% protein. Alfalfa’s protein content is closer to 17%. The vitamin A level in oat hay is higher than other grass hays.
How do you know when oat hay is dry?
Check the moisture content of the oat hay. Use a hay probe and moisture meter to test moisture, or take a sample to the county extension office. For baled hay the moisture content should be no more than 22 percent. The oat hay commonly lies in windrows in the field during the drying process.
Is oat hay better than alfalfa?
Oat Hay Analysis (average) As you can see, alfalfa hay has much higher protein levels than the other two hays, but is also lower in fiber than the other two. Oat hay, however, has much higher levels of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) which are the levels of sugar and starch in the hay.
Does oats make good hay?
Oats is a high quality forage comparable to winter wheat and can be used for pasture, hay, or silage. Spring oats can be planted in early August to mid-September, often after corn silage has been harvested if it was an early crop.
Does oat hay make horses fat?
“The higher fiber content reduces the calorie content of the feed which has given the oat the reputation of being a slightly safer feed for horses,” he added. It takes a larger ration of oats than corn for a horse to receive the same number of calories per feeding.
Is oat hay good for cattle?
Oat hay is nutritious and high in both protein and energy content. It can be fed to horses and cattle. In addition to straight Oat hay, alfalfa is often planted with oats to allow for better alfalfa stand establishment. This results in a high-quality feed.
What is the best stage to cut oats for hay?
Research has shown that the optimum time for cutting oaten hay is at the watery ripe stage (Z71), the earliest stage of milk development. Cutting at this stage will deliver the best compromise between yield and quality.
Is oat hay bad for horses?
Oat hay is a reasonable forage for mature horses. It is made from oats and, depending on the stage of maturity at harvest, the hay may be a very good source of digestible energy; however, if it was very mature at harvest and most of the grain has shattered and is gone, the feeding value will be reduced.
How long does it take oat hay to dry?
The quickest I have gotten oat hay to dry down is 3 days when crimped. Usually you are looking at 5 to 7 days here. Every climate is different and we are more desert than most.
What stage do you cut oats for hay?
Can oats cause colic in horses?
Straight grains, like corn, barley, sweet feed or oats, can contribute to the onset of colic in horses.